How to change weapon stats? (Editor only)

Hello comrades!

Back then in the editor, i could change weapon stats, like magnification, reload speed etc. Of course it only worked in the editor and not in multiplayer, but that does not matter. It worked in the editor. When i just tried to change the stats like i did some months ago, it did not work anymore. As soon as i pick up the rifle, it changes to the base stats, even though it used to work back then.

Anyone knows what to do?


Write all properties that you want to change in customProps.
More info about it here: :question: Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game


Thank you that helped so much. May i ask, does this work in multiplayer?

Also, is there a way to take a custom profile like the “even fight” event one and edit the stats of the used guns? Since they are generated and not the guns from the inventory, it could be possible right?


It will work. There at least one map that contains changed weapons.
And it’s Battle in the Ural region.
Map by Bazsi37.

But some properties may cause multiplayer game crash after weapon pickup.

Known one of them - editing fire mode.


Some of these changes take effect in multiplayer games.

In the BigAction mod, I and some game fans fine-tuned the properties of all weapons:

  • Reduced spread of shots for semi-automatic guns.

  • Increased the damage of most guns, especially the machine gun.

  • I also adjusted the resupply volume of all weapons, reduced the resupply volume of mortars, increased the resupply volume of all automatic weapons, for example Stg44 can only resupply a few times from the supply box. The bolt-action rifle can be resupplied dozens of times from the supply box. The flamethrower can only be resupplied once from a supply box.

  • Added parameter to reduce sprint speed for some heavy weapons. For example, now you can’t run fast with a drum submachine gun.

  • Slightly increased the reload speed of some guns, e.g. the drum SMG reloads slightly slower.

  • I also plan to enhance the box-SMG in other ways, so that the player can run faster when using the box-SMG, which will increase the advantage of the box-SMG compare to the drumy ones.

Here is the entities.blk config (6.7 KB)


So, i want to create a mod with the moscow version of the “even_fight” event custom profile.
When it is enabled, i would like to edit the weapon stats of the weapons the soldiers carry in the custom profile, which every player got instead of his own inventory…

How can i do that?
I tried looking at other posts, but i couldnt really understand…


use custom profile



for editing weapons

use entities.blk


Till now, i only edited stuff in the editor and the scene as an text, but i never edited something else. I never edited any other blks such as „entities“.

I have no idea where to get them, or where to put them, or even what to do with them…

Could you explain a little bit? Only if it does not bother you of course.


read this may help you

the part about custom entity


Thank you so much! it definetly helped :wink: