How to add medals to soldiers in custom squads

Currently working on my Korean War mod, and making some adjustments. I was wondering how to add a medal to some soldiers within the custom squads.

I’m sure it has something to do with the heroTpl property, but I’m not sure.

If anybody could help me on this, it would be much appreciated.

Even after you updated the mod i still cant spawn in local

Did you make sure to download the mod twice? I updated the mod and it works just fine for me, along with a bunch of others.

I downloaded it 3 times. It worked fine in multiplayer

Odd… I took a look at the .json file, it looks fine.

I’ll do some more checking, but this is a very weird issue.

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Here are some visual bugs i found along the way

You could remove the panzer 3s from the greyzone

Cool mod otherwise. Keep up good work

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@Devenddar, you have any info about this? With adding medals to soldiers and whatnot in custom squads?