Currently the campaign is very outdated and very unbalanced. This focuses on historical accuracy and balance.
Firstly BA changes from Stalingrad need to be imported!
Starter gear:
Infantry weapons remain the same. Gewehr 33/40 and K98k.
You can choose 1 out of 3 tanks to be in your tank squad.
Level 2: Medic I - MP34
Level 3: Engineer I - VZ24 (The same)
Level 4: HS - 123 A-1 (the same)
Level 5, Assaulter I, MP38 + TNT
Level 6 Radio operator I: Pre-War K98k (the same)
Level 7 Attacker pilot I: Ju87 B-2 (the same)
Level 8: PZ38 (t) F
Level 9: AT gunner PZB39 + AT grenade
Level 10: Machine gunner I, MG13 (the same)
Level 11: MP40 (the same)
Level 12: PZIIIJ
Level 13: ZB26 (the same)
Level 14: Mortarman Granatwerfer 36 (the same)
Level 15: BF109F2
Level 16: Sdkfz 6/2 (SPAA)
Level 17: Rifleman II, K98k with grenadelauncher. (The same)
Level 18: Flametrooper I, FmW35 (the same)
Level 19: BF110C-7 (the same)
Level 20: Machine gunner II: MG34 (the same)
Level 21: Engineer II, G41 (the same)
**Level 22: Tanker II: Panzerkampfwagen B-2 740 (f) ( French B1 Bis)
Level 23: AT gunner II, GRB39
Level 24: Sniper II, G41 (sniper)
Level 25: Attacker pilot II Dornier Do 17 (4x 250kg)
Level 26: Assaulter II. Maschinenpistole 716(r) (PPD34/38)
Level 27: Rider I squad (Motorcycle) + MAS36
Level 28: PZIVF1
Level 29: Assaulter III: Maschinenpistole 722(f) (MAS-38)
Level 30: BF109 E-4
Level 31: Flametrooper II, FmW41 (the same)
Level 32: Tanker III StugIIIA
Level 33: Kiraly 39M
Level 34: Gunner II: MG34 with paramotell magazine
Level 35: Trooper III: K98k with GGP/40 (AT grenade launcher) + Sdkfz251 (Can choose: Either an MG34 or a PaK36 as its main armament)
Level 36: PZIIIJ/1 (Field modification). What this means is that this tank has extra tracks on the front added for protection. (Picture isnt a PZIIIJ/1 but it is a PZIII.)
Level 37: AT gunner III: Sprengbüchse 24 Geballte Ladung (Satchel Charge)
Level 38: Attacker pilot III. JU87 r-2 (1000Kg bomb)
Starter gear remains the same (M1907 and M91/30)
You can choose 1 out of 3 tanks to be in your tank squad.

Level 2 Medic: PPD34/38 (Box)
Level 3: Engineer I: M91/30 “Dragoon” (the same)
Level 4: I-153 M62 (the same)
Level 5: Assaulter I: TOZ-B + TNT
Level 6: Radio operator I: M1938 Carbine (the same)
Level 7: Pe-3
Level 8: BT-7
Level 9: AT gunner I: PTRD1941 + RPG40 AT grenade
Level 10: Gunner I: Madsen (the same)
Level 11: PPD34/38 (the same)
Level 12: BT-7M (Better version, better mobility and a bit more armor)
Level 13: Winchester M1895 (the same)
Level 14: Mortarman I: RM-40
Level 15: Fighter pilot II: MiG-3
Level 16: GAZ-MM(72-K) (SPAA)
Level 17: Trooper II: M91/30 with Diatkov (the same)
Level 18: Flametrooper I: Roks-2 (the same)
Level 19: IL2 (1941) (better armament)
Level 20: Gunner II: DP-27 (the same)
Level 21: Engineer II: SVT-38 (the same)
Level 22: Tanker II: T28E
Level 23: AT gunner II: PTRS1941
Level 24: Sniper II: SVT-40 (Sniper) (the same)
Level 25: Attacker pilot II: Sb-2m (the same)
Level 26: Assaulter II: Captured MP-40
Level 27: Rider I: (Motorcycle) + Arisaka type 99 rifle
Level 28: T-50
Level 29: Assaulter III: PPD40
Level 30: YaK-1
Level 31: Flametroooper II: Roks-3 (the same)
Level 32: Tanker III: Zis-30
Level 33: PPSH41
Level 34: Gunner II: DT29
Level 35: Trooper III: M91/30 VPGS + GAZ shielded soviet truck with DT29
Level 36: T-34 (1940)
Level 37: AT gunner III: Satchel charge:
(yes i know)
Level 38: Attacker pilot III: Pe-2-31
The end
Satchel charges:
A explosive device that can be placed on anything, including tanks. You can set the amount of time you want for it to burn until an explosion. 30, 60, 120 seconds.
very powerful explosive that will destroy anything within a 20 meter radius. Can be defused if seen by enemy.
If moscow campaign looked like this, not only would it be:
A. More fun
B. More historical
but also actually balanced with each side having something unique and advantages in different places.