How messed up the game can be when tank grey zone camping is combined with bad matchmaking

The grey zone camper didn’t even die once.

And why did you not kill him?


Which br is this? Seem like a br5 match? Eh maybe low br

br2(supposed to be)

He was always far in the grey zone and enemy infantry was always attack ing the points, so i was kinda busy.

well if he was such a problem then you should have killed him. there are 4 ways to kill him in low BR matches from range and it is rather easy to do so on pacific maps.

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Yeah, I know. But i wasn’t planning to AT so i only brought one bazooka. My plane is not good either. I didn’t even have much time to build rallies. Look how many people there were in the points.

you always need to have at least one solution to kill gray zone tanks in your lineup. only person you can reliably count on to take out the enemy gray zone tank is yourself.


good point

I guess the opponent is driving a Type 2 tank.
First rule out the possibility that everyone is a newcomer (machine gun vehicles are difficult to confront head-on)

Because the enemy voluntarily gives up its ability to counterattack or refuses to change its action path to evade
That’s why they were massacred on the main ambush route.

before they learn to detour or cover themselves
This kind of slaughter is what they deserve

Although the theme of this game is obviously war (team) PVP
Hard-working players need to assume that players other than themselves are selfish and incompetent casual players or newcomers who have not yet begun to learn knowledge and obtain equipment.
This means that if you want to win or get a better experience, you must find someone to team up with and make your team more comprehensive and aggressive.

Actually i was quite impressed with what these newcomers could do. we only lost at about 300 ticks.