I played a last night, and encountered my first two marshals, since our ranks were reset on the 18th of January.
Up until this match, the highest ranks I had seen:
a single player with a 3-star lieutenant general rank
-a few players with major general ranks
-while the majority previously of “high ranking players”, were composed of Lieutenant colonels, Colonels, and a few brigadier generals (and everybody else is not yet a gold rank)
So I am wondering about THESE TWO players who are shown it this screenshot…
When I took this picture last night, it has only been SIX DAYS since our ranks were reset…
So I did the math to figure out “how this was possible”.
Let me explain:
1st: If you had a marshal rank before the battlepass was reset… your rank was dropped to a second lieutenant
2: From this starting point, we are essentially standing at 50pt.
3: We need 300 points to achieve a marshal rank
4: In order to climb at least 1 point… you MUSTwin the match.
6: If you lose, you will lose 2 points unless you score a “battle-hero” award
7: If you earn a “battle-hero” point while your team loses the match… this point gained, will counter the point you lose. (Neutral as if you never played the match at all)
8: You can earn 2-points maximum for each match (winning and scoring a “battle-hero” award)
With these facts listed above, lets look at "what are the minimum number of games that a player needs to play, in order to climb from 50 points to 300 points)
From a second lieutenant rank: you need 250 points
2: If you win 100% of the matches you play, this would be a minimum of 125 matches played in six days.
3: six days divided by 125 matches = 20 matches per day
(6 days /125 matches=20 matches per day)
4: If each match was a MINIMUM of 15 minutes long:
20 matches x 15 minutes = 300 minutes = 5 hours per day
So for these players to have reached a marshal rank in only SIX days…
-They would need to play a MINIMUM of 20 matches per day and win nearly 100%
So I ask, how is this possible without cheating?
This match that I played against these two players… my team got absolutely CRUSHED.
I am not accusing them of anything… I simply did the math and it doesn’t make any sense how these people have already reached a Marshal Rank (unless they literally played seven hours a day for six days straight?)
You gotta look at the rest of the player base and consider “where” people should be…
You look at all these posts from different people, complaining about broken match making (being on one side that gets crushed, or being on the team that does the crushing)…
-Then you have to consider that WE ALL get placed in matches that are composed of A.I. bot teams.
-Then you consider people who have posted in this forum, with evidence of people cheating and hacking from their PC’s (video evidence of cheaters tracking players through walls across the map)
Considering all of these variables, I was curious if these guys are cheating or simply have no life?
The first seems most likely because even a person who spends 8 hours a day… would still encounter broken matchmaking/bot teams/and lose matches (gaining no points).
Are you saying all of the bug reports I made in the last two days, are not valid?
Are you saying the machine gun bug is not valid?
What about the soldiers standing over construction spots (when they said it was fixed?)
what about soldiers getting suck in sandbags and walls?
what about the soldier customization issues?
THESE ISSUES are losing them money…
Doesn’t this forum exist to REPORT issues as we find them?
“For sergeants (ranks sergeant to sergeant major), the rating can increase by one point for winning a battle and another point for receiving a “battle hero”, provided the player has not left the battle early.
For officers, generals, and marshals, the rating in the same way grows for victories and heroism, but in addition to this, one rating point is removed for a defeat or for an early exit from the battle”
Please tell me where you can earn more than two points per match?
Ah, just because you are resorting to personal insults AGAIN… as a way to deflect these issues. Does not mean you can sweep the problems under the rug while directing your anger on to me.
Get lost buddy. Not interested.
You don’t want this game to succeed? then why are you even here?
Karen is an insult only to a karen so you are a karen is proved, you want talk to the manager?
You make your math based on an avarage time limit of 20-30 minute for battle, wo go for the ranks
First of thing HIM play in the EZ faction and is squadded, his battle last 10 minute max and before reach the gold rank if i recall rigth you get 3 point every time 1 for play the battle, 1 for win and 1 for the battle hero
minimum is about 7-8 minutes. if you are attacker and have good players in stack you can just storm through matches. average for solo player is about 15-20 minutes depending on the map/mode/teams. with good stack you can get that average to around 10-15 minutes
can you link topics about this? i havent seen those videos. only video i have seen of someone cheating was with aimbot on plane killing 15-20 people per one dive.
i do not care to back-track and find other people’s posts.
especially considering that many posts that do not align with “the narrative”… are often censored or deleted entirely.
I am NOT going to waste my time looking for evidence when I personally know for a fact that I have read and watched other people’s complaints and video examples (regarding PC cheaters)
Are you saying that gold ranks receive a point just for participating in a game?
This is not true… because when I have played, every. single. time. that my team loses (even though I get first place and earn multiple “battle hero rewards”)… my rank STAYS THE SAME.
It ONLY goes up by 1 or 2, when my team wins.
if we in fact received 3 points, I would increase by rank by a minimum of 1 point for every match I play, even if my team loses (because I ALWAYS score at least 1 battle hero reward).
The topic is about 50-300 points.
Anything below is irrelevant, unless you want to add the additional playing time that would be required to reach Marshal rank.