How I Would Rebalance All Weapons

To be honest i didn’t like it at first but now i don’t mind they feel rather powerful now and at least the reverted the rate of fire decrease :slight_smile:

The recoil makes the weapons on Stalingrad feel a lot more satisfying too use

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Well, damage values were actually consistent in the past and imo it worked very good.

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But they didnt revert the rof increase. Only one improved was the ZH29 and the damage remains the same on them all. I dont understand how every time they nerf semis people keep saying “they feel stronger”. They aren’t

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You said this in a past tense… which reinforces both our points… They change on a whim and the community goes into flame wars with one another rather than at the overheads watching us bicker about their “beneficial changes”.

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There is no basic weapon. It will be historical fact of how much penetration value a bullet had and then it goes through a system to separate its damage values for guns in different ROF brackets.

Guns that shoot fast get hit slightly in terms of damage output while single shot versions get a buff.

It is similar to how Stalingrad does its system, but with a reinforced point that once a system like this is in motion - changing it would alter history records and it would be insane for the devs to do that since this game is based in…

Realism - Battle Pass 5

Well, historical fact is that basically every weapon kills in 1 shot (unless you’re on drugs or in a similar state).
And penetration doesn’t equal damage. Not at all. For example, a .45 penetrates slightly worse than a 9mm, but does more damage to soft tissue.
There’s a lot more to what a bullet does to the body irl than just a single value.

I know. But for gameplay balancing - would you rather see everyone run around with SMG’s, like a COD game, doing the same damage as a bolt action rifle since to you…

…mentioned this? Or would it be better to see a more variety in combat that is not meta weapon?

I can play both sides of this fence since I agree with your point as well.

I would rather see disparity, but i don’t agree with your way working, as basing damage off irl values leads to similar damage from an smg and BA.
I feel like it would simply be a decent idea to not necessarily have 100% accurate values, but have them at least feel realistic while having further balanced based off gameplay performance and balance.
So for example, an STG shouldn’t oneshot up till 500m as historically accurate, but shouldn’t deal as much damage as .45.

Good example. As I stated in this comment here…

I would have gone into the damage values changing over distance in a future step, but that would require me doing unpaid work for a company to make this idea into something actually good to implement.

I only offer them a road map to judge if it is worthy enough to add into the game… or make really crude comic pages (which surprising… all three of mine managed to become features in the game not shortly after I made them, which was long time issues - like the grenade key being the same as melee for default middle mouse).

Now to clarify your point more, would this .45 also be firing at a 500m distance since you mentioned it would do more damage versus a Kurz round? Or is this based yet again on distance?

I don’t understand what you¨re trying to tell me here.
Tbh, I don’t fully understand your original point either.
So, provided you don’t wanna take more time to explain it to me (which you don’t have to, I can understand why oyu wouldn’t), I’m just gonna leave before I get tangled in this web of confusion by saying your original point is too confusing and doesn’t really explain well enough as to what of an imapct it would actually have on the game.

Why even bother with step 1, if step 4 and 5 are all about assigning arbitrary modifiers anyway?


It’s about getting a true value of a bullet’s damage then converting that based of what weapon class. Instead of having the same bullet type being different damage values within the same category of weapon. It is attempting to create a system to not make nerfs like the mp43, and eventually, the mkb42 H happen, and many future nerfs as well.

If this happen then I would go 3 riflemen squad with everybody equipped with dual wepaon of kar98k grenade launcher, totally 63x3 = 189 TnT

+27 x3 more with LGP with TNT.

TnT go broooooo who cares about guns

True, pfft. Like the devs would care about this idea anyway. TNT go BRRRR.

im all for balancing out the campaigns but it wont happen to many German mains crying my stg isnt good enough

But my Johnson 1941 isnt good enough, can that get fixed?

According to datamining it’s has about the same recoil as AVT40, so he would definitely cry for a month about it

Let me guess the title of your post when the next major update is out:
oh noooooo why Johnson 1941 has 80 vertical recoil while FG42II only has 40 nooooooooooooooooooo

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