How hard would this actually be to fix?

Went to the gun range to fire off some weapons I don’t use in game, and this is the apparent gun safety our BOTS were trained with. :rofl: I have to give the Bot an “A” for courage and toughness though as I shot that bastard at least 10 times and he never flinched :yum:.


Smart cookies those AI.

They know just how to press your buttons


I am laughing about it now, but not in the actual game when they are screwing me. :rofl:


Gotta love their lack of situational awareness when it comes to the player himself


“screw you boss”


“Shoot through my legs, I dare you!”

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Toe cutter, “I hate guns”
AHH, I HATE GUNS!! : r/MadMax

Point behind you and then press x, it will keep them out of your way. :+1:

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When it works that is. :wink: Last night, I pressed X in a Normandy bunker. I saw the X on the ground, so I ran outside staying within bot range, when I died, the next bot was in a completely different bunker, one was on the bunker roof and the last couple were where I told them to stay. :rofl:

Bloody traitors :rofl:

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