How does XP work?

Anyone know the math behind XP and how it is calculated? I used to think it was purely based on your score, as in, if you end a match with like 10k points, you would earn 10k XP (+ other bonuses like battle hero, victory bonus etc.) but that’s not the case. Someone probaby figured this out already, so if you know anything lemme know. Thanks

ParaDivision posted a video about it the other day. Might wanna check it out:
There’s a lot of hidden things going on.

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math is complicated and it is really hard to reverse engineer exact formula. here are some known facts about xp:

  • number of deaths (or spawns) affect your xp. you get ~200xp for one 3 man squad spawning/dying. you get ~300xp for 5 man squad spawning dying. idk if this depends on absolute number of soldiers in a squad or to relative squad size, but xp gains are proportionate to number of soldiers. btw i think i did that experiment with squad bonus of 100%, so halve the xp gain if your squads are not upgraded.
  • you get multiplication bonus on your score for longer battles. when you have bonus multiplier you want your games to be as long as possible and when you dont have one you want 15-20 minute ones where you can score a lot.
  • there is malus for making too many kills with one squad (maybe it is even based on score) without dying. vehicles most often suffer from that malus cause they are effective at scoring loads of kills (xp) without dying
  • rest of it is probably based on score, so every action that gives you score, gives you xp also. there is just some multiplication shenanigans going on in background.
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