How does rank work now?

I just lost a game and earned 2 points toward a promotion. So what changed?

Battle Hero

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OK, thanks for the quick and dirty; can you give me the details also?

You earn rank in 2 ways


Earning Battle Hero awards

You can only gain rank for most ranks, but once you hit a certain point (I believe it’s the first gold ranks but I could be wrong) then you will lose 1 rank point per lost match. However, I believe you can still gain rank points for Battle Hero awards even in those losses

Honestly? Don’t worry bout it. Only reason I give a flying flip at all bout my rank is because I use the Patton profile picture. That’s really all they’re good for besides the small rewards you get for each rank

True, I only grind rank for the rewards also. Furthermore, rank should not be tried to a win or loss. It should depend on the individuals actions in the game, not the entire teams’ actions. This is a very strange system.

Thanks for the explanation!

iirc up to 50 points you dont lose points, after 50 points you lose point for loss or desertion. you get 1 point for winning and 1 point for battle hero award.


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Well there IS the Battle Hero factor, which is pretty nice