How does BR2 matchmaking work?

Is it skill based?
Am I playing on the wrong maps?
Is it based on matches played per week?
What do “Bot” player names on my team look like?
Why do my losing teams have so many leavers?

I want to understand what I’m doing wrong so I can improve my game and get more wins for my teams.

Thanks for the help and motivation

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Match making or MM for short works solely on battle rating or better known BR system.
Your best equipment’s BR is used to determine your BR and get matches accordingly.
At the moment BR1, BR2 and BR3 can get into low BR matches.
BR3, BR4 and BR5 can get into high BR matches.

MM does not take player’s skills, overall equipment BR or group queuing into consideration which results in unfair matches.

Simple, it’s just based on your weapons/vehicles and not related to skill at all, and BR 2 fights against BR 1/2/3.

Why you lost:
Basically only ONE PERSON built rallies ( no. 2 on the scoreboard, assuming it was actually rally point usage and not just some random barbed wire spam 20 bots got stuck in)
One rally point means you all come from same direction and just get farmed
You could have built flanking rally points.
You have several players with basically no respawns who did less than a bot would, probably “sniping”
Lots of your teammates were just pretty ineffective, but they at least tried playing the damn game (even the ineffective ones can be bodies for the capzone)
You can just push across the capzone towards enemy respawns and prevent them from getting on the cap/killing your teammates
From the scoreboard I’d guess you just sat back in a tank and just spammed HE, which will not work when your team is just not getting to the cap zone in the first place
It also kind of looks like you were just plain unlucky and just got bowled over by a 4-stack, possibly sitting in discord and coordinating, also most probably well equipped for whatever BR
Just can’t win em all


Name decorations. Bots don’t have any

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Bot names are purposefully very similar to player names.

Definitely an 4 stack. All of the top players in the enemy team have gold ranks and name decorators compared to the other silver ranked players. There is really nothing you can do to fight 4 well cordinated players. Dont forget to build rallies Next time you play.

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