Hello! First post here but player since 2020 and recently jumped into the modding space. Really enjoy the Enlisted tools and hope they keep getting worked on!
I’ve been working on a large-scale mod for the 2x2 winter Moscow map and I am running into an issue: I’ve set the static_cam but can’t seem to lock the respawn_cameras into position. I’ve been messing with the different modifiers but…
a.) Don’t seem to know what each does (I’ve wrangled it into positions I liked, but couldn’t say how)
b.) Even once placed, on save and restart they aren’t staying in position.
Here’s the settings, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about:
If you’ve messed with this before could you share how you got your respawn cameras where you liked? Thanks!
Maybe because it’s automaticaly creates or changes when you respawn.
creates by team spawn points.
You can place many spawn spots in empty map.
And then spawn > suicide. And theck check where respawn_camera
will be.
Sadly, but seems you can’t force set respawn_camera
direction or position.
But maybe I just don’t know something.
You can only set the first camera:
with static_cam
Like, the one in the spawning screen for the first 10 seconds.
Then the camera will be automated.
Usually, it will keep track of the spawns and gets positioned behind looking towards the objective for an easy read for the players on where to go next.
This gets messy if you only have 1 spawn.
But it does a great job nonetheless.
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Oof if that’s how the respawn cameras work! Only because I’ve got a few points on the outskirts of the map where the respawn camera is pulling out of bounds and really low, to the point where it’s under terrain. It’s also about 1km out, meaning it’s entirely useless as a camera (underneath terrain, too far away to choose points).
Only thought I can have as to why is because the map is so large, its camera logic means it’s positioning itself a couple km behind some respawn points (since the trek to some points can be up to 2km if no respawn is available besides home base).
Anyone have ideas on how to resolve this? Really want to make some maps for our hardcore milsim players who’d like a mix of a Squad or HLL style meta and Enlisted gameplay, and this seems like a problem for too large of maps.
can you post some screenshot?
like, of being underground?
then, make a screen by selecting the camera it self, and it’s information panel.
Sure thing! I also did some more testing and think I figured out a temp solution.
So here’s the battlefield in editor with one of the respawn cameras for Team 2 on the upper left corner. Pretty far out of bounds, obvs (the info panel is in the same screenshot).
And here’s what it looks like if you’re at the respawn screen for that camera:
Now I did some playing with the numbers after your previous post and found that the “moveCameraToHeight” significantly changes what is in focus. It’s also one of the only options that stays saved. Here’s what I was able to achieve at a 3000 “moveCameraToHeight” and adding a temporary spawn (it’s removed in the screenshot but was in the center of the map):
So not amazing, but not terrible. Definitely more legible and actually playable now for choosing spawns.
I think the rule of thumb is that your camera height should be similar to the longest length of your battlefield. At least that’s how I got these results. Still not perfect; I wish I could wrangle the cameras to be more top-down, since right now it’s taking up a lot of blank space on the periphery. But Idt that’s possible if the respawn cameras work the way it seems they do (automated by the game).
transform:m=[[0.997475, 0.0340696, -0.0623052] [-0.0335513, 0.999394, 0.00934666] [0.0625859, -0.00723265, 0.998014] [0, 1007.61, 0]]
try combining the free_cam template, which has mush far dist to rendering
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