How do you aim bombs in planes?

Hi, so, I really enjoy the air game and dogfighting other planes but I’ve always had some issues with bombing ground targets which is arguably the most useful part of playing air. I can’t seem to figure out how to aim bombs so that they land where I want to. Dive bombing is nice, but what about when I’m playing an attacker? I’ve got the Potez now and its just been very strange trying to figure it out. I’m really wishing there was a bomb sight like in Warthunder.

Anyone have any pointers?


You will never be able to aim in that plane unless you dive at the right angle and shoot your target with tracers to make sure you are on target.

You can dive bomb in anything. pull up height varies from plane to plane. Best way to be accurate

I believe plane speed at time of drop has an accuracy modifier. Some planes have air brakes.

Mainly a practice/feel thing

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Your bomb lands where your tracers land? I figured that they’d land a little long

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For the Potez aim close to where the 2 red lines intersect, release your bombs at around 150 m.

The plane have very good maneuverability, so don’t rush your drop. If you are approaching while banking hard, it’s better to abort and loop around for another attempt.


Carpet Bombing depends on the Size of the Bombs i guess and i only fly the 1000 Pound Bombers, try 200-300 high in the sky, Speed around 250-350 and Enemy 200-250meters away. At least you see the Craters and can try better with next Run.

I think Carpet Bombing is way faster then Dive Bombing, and can be very accurate too.

Practice. It’s different for every plane.

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  1. Don’t just look at the cap zone marker and fly at it following a direct line from the airspawn/reload point
    You want to fly level or even slowly climb (i rarely ever go past 1000m) , preferably off to an angle from the cap zone, not directly at it. (It lets you roll the plane a bit and freelook for targets)
    When the cap zone distance is ~1,5x your altitude you start diving and aim for where you want to bomb, like, look directly at it
    Right before drop I go to full pull up and drop right after the plane starts going up (it’s kind of hard to explain, seems to work for me lol, but I also kind of fly like a maniac and often drop 1s before crashing)

Personally I never bother with airbrakes, but I also kind of refuse to use the damn flying barns that rip. I also sometimes crash my soviet P40 like a pepega because I keep forgetting it compresses like crazy

Get into a plane and go to practice matches best way to learn the art of bomb droping and there are many youtube videos on this.

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try to come in as close as 45 degrees as possible.
aim with the nose of the plane, not the sights.
drop bombs when target is almost at nose point, between the plane nose and the sights.
try to pull up in an angle that allows you to see where it dropped, for adjustments.
adjust higher or lower depending on plane used and angle of attack.
practice as much as you can. its more of a gut feeling thing.
it feels more like an art, and less like a scientific approach.

use marks on the ground by yourself in lines of approach, you can get lucky and mark a tank.
you can place marks up to 2,000 mts, and you can mark tanks up to 3,000 mts.
look for muzzle fires when you are below 1000 mts. distance.
above all, dont spam “need enemy coordinates”, it will annoy everyone and you will get less marks.


This has worked amazingly for me! Thank you so much.

Not “everything”!

I tried with the a20 once, after playing too long with a Stuka.

Lost my wings… :laughing:


Too fast my friend :stuck_out_tongue:

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The one thing that actually needs air brakes… obviously doesn’t come with them
(The 12x M8 version from Tunisia)
So frustrating to use, had to idle the engines basically after reloading lmao

You know me!

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If you take a super sharp angle and pull up extremely late, it works.

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Look, this guy does a bomb run on the first 10 seconds of the video. Good luck.

Dive bombers (like stuka): × altitutde to x+200 or 300 meters
Example: alt: 800
Your optimal range is 1000-1100 m distance to your target
Optimal TAS: 44
Big bombers (like ju 188) : x alt to x + 500 meters
Optimal TAS during diving is 44
You have three options

  1. climb to 800 or 600 meteers alt, your optimal target distance before you dive is altitude +200/300.
    Its nearly as accurate as dive bombing but very dangerous.
    Optinal tas:0
    Totally shut down engines
  2. you are at 500< altitude: so your distance optimally should be 300 + altitude to your target.
    Optimal tas: 44
    Less dangerous than the first one
  3. you are at 600> altitude . So optimal distance before diving is your 2 times of your altitude (600 alt- 1200 meters)
    This is the safest way

I have tried those formulas with various payloads and eveey type of planes
%70 attempts i kill destroy or at least seriously damage vehicles.
%90 attempts kill numerous infantry