How do respawn Base With Group On CapturePoint works?

capzone__createRespawnBase: respawnBaseGroupActivator

ah… it is in the document then.

but… why was it setted to something else :upside_down_face:

guess we’ll never know.

either way, many thanks. truly.

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Well… Maybe devs/Keofox added it a bit late :slight_smile:

From first lines in editor guide about Invasion mission.
This manual can be edited and expanded. All new or edited entries will be marked with different color.
And this 4) capzone__createRespawnBase: respawnBaseGroupActivator is blue.
(It’s in Step 8 — Adding Infantry Spawn Points on the Strategic Points).

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ALSO have this, Possibly a bug, because the situation haven’t exist before last update :rofl:

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apparently, it’s because of this:

which has been recently modified:

( on the actual objective points )

