i really don’t understand the other posts on this subject, are you using telepathy to communicate? because to me i find the posts don’t explain much.
by the way, another question on top of that is how do i go about making a vromfs.bin file?
i don’t know how to code
Then you have two options:
- You learn the basics of coding, reading code and interpreting code
- You don’t make custom profiles.
I would say most guides i made assume that the reader knows the basics of the editor already, and it’s not the first time you’re seeing code. (read guides by darkflow, and my conquest guide)
ok then. by the way what programs should i use? because right now I’m using notepad
so i followed the tutorial and when i launched the game after packaging it into a .zip file and launched it it said “[E] named mount not set for %ugm/profiles/profile.json” what does this mean?
could you possibly provide me with the basic profiles such as this file.
i assume it might help me a lot because i tried using different profiles and they end up giving me this result.
i don’t know if you understand what i mean by that but i hope you do.
thank you for helping me in any way.
just to clarify the top photo i got from one of your posts and the bottom photo is what it looks like when i launch the current custom profile I’m using in the game (Modern Squads)
The fun fact and the most frustrating part is that custom profiles dont load properly on mods editor. So you need to create a mod and then upload it to the mods portal (use the “save as draft” button so that you dont need the thumbnail and only you can see it), then download it in main game to launch it
By the way, the campaign format changed after the merge. So it no longer works
If you don’t mind reading a lot of code, you can check out my mod here, it is open sourced so feel free to copy and modify from it (I am also new to player profiles, and i just copied most of the stuff)
This button here does it. It will take all files that are used inside your mod folder and pack them into the bin file
That profile does work, campaigns on the same side will appear as one faction in-game.
sure, il check it out. thanks
I am stupid i forgot to paste the link in lol Really, my bad
Here it is (link to codes of Gavutu Zombies:Timeline Disorder): Gavutu Zombies: Timeline Disorder - Google Drive
I chose this one for you because it was updated just 2 hours ago by me. The others are either 2 weeks old or 1-2 months old so they are not in the best shape. Furthermore, this one is the most popular
The following link is the complete collection of all my mods: Enlisted Mod Source Codes - Google Drive
hey, i know it’s been a bit of time since i last posted something here but ive been buisy the past days and i been wanting to ask. how do I put multiple soldiers in a custom profile squad?
You just add a , at the end of the array of the soldier and then copy the soldier there
The array is defined and enclosed by the [ ]
If i confused you, let me gove u an example when i get home
thanks, an example would be greaty appreciated.
Let me give you one. I will be home 2 hours later