How do i attach Stationary_machineguns to vehicles? ( or how do node_attached works )

alright so, here is what i wanted to do:

problem is, if i use Node_attached_[...] nothing works.
like, i give the parameters ( i found out that technically, the only usable one is node_attached_pos//base. since you have parameters of location that you can tweak ) problem is, each time that i restart, the position remains, but the machinegun it self does not remain attached.

i tried to add the machinegun or the truck it self as a template through the + at the bottom menu.
didn’t worked either because it transform the machinegun into a truck, or the other way around.
needles to say that’s not what i want nor need.

has… anyone else found a different solution or method to attached stuff to vehicles?


Keofox said that maybe we can connect entities in the future. But now… difficult