How do i adjust the HP of a rendinst?

Hello comrades!

I am working on an old mod which i never finished. But there is one thing i need to know. How do i adjust the hp of rendinsts?

Example, i want to place down ammunition_box_piles_f and i want that it will not be destroyed by explosions. How can i do that?


@ErikaKalkbrenner can you help?

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Can i ask what kind of mod is?

Also @Devenddar scav here need your help

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I wanted to create a mod (with a fully custom map again) but i am still not sure which gamemode i choose. So the question is, should it become a conquest or confrontation mod.

The map is build like a big rectangle. It will have 5 (or maybe 7) points to fight for in this order:

German fortification bunker - point 1 - point 2 - point 3 (middle of the rectangle) - point 4 - point 5 - Soviet fortification bunker

So basically a straight line (or slightly curvy one) between the faction bunkers. Personally, i think confrontation would work better with the mod, because of its design and style… what do you think my friend?


Yes, use confrontation style of game currently is more suited for what you want do

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For that you need to edit ri_extra__overrideHitPoints property.

Sounds like it really would be better to use confrontation capture points.
They’re probably like it: zone_bidirectional_two_chains_sphere+lockable_capzone.