How do high explosive shells work in this game?

I have no idea how these shells work I shoot right under a squads feet and only 1 dies and sometimes I shoot at a wall and some random guy on the other side of the world dies

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In one word: Kaboom!

In a few more: Yeah, they seem a bit all over the place. It’s been like that for a while. I’m pretty sure I read that the devs are aware about it and will probably sort it at some point before 2030…

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Apparently, they don’t explode as easy on “softer surfaces” now. Seems like a nerf to me, because I’ve been noticing that it’s more difficult to get larger multi kills with them now.

That’s the neat part, they don’t

Soft materials cough wood cough eat shells. Don’t shoot wood
As for dirt…it’s wonky. Sometimes you’d wipe all 9 men, sometimes you won’t kill jack. Best bet is direct impact and rocks/other solid material

Meanwhile…yesterday…somewhere in Moscow…
I know this was not HE but HEAPCHEJHAZVA but still…
My shells pass through as least two outer walls plus some internal walls


That’s AP, so maybe it still can pen structures, but I feel like true HE actually does detonate on wood now (usually). You still have those logic breaks, but now you can shoot those wooden huts on Moscow and expect it to trip the fuse, instead of passing on.

they work with an initial blast wave and then fragments, they usually reach up to 15m for 75mm HE, which explains the long range kills
But there’s a bug where sometimes HE will simply not do any damage

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Why does it matter for the explosives what kind of surface they are triggered by?
Some walls are great and enable lots of kills while stuff like tank wrecks are less optimal if they are cause of the explosion as they soak up most of the explosion?

Should the surface really impact the explosion behavoir or is that just a bug as a feature?

They don’t that’s the fun. Well sometimes they do but most of the time they don’t. For me HEAT is more consistent.