How close are we to the next update? (UI and Silver)

Just trying to collect people’s opinions here, how close does everyone think the next update is?

I’m referring to the update with The silver increase, research point cap, join any team, etc. All we know so far is…

I’m getting a strange feeling it’s in the next two or three weeks. Just seems like a optimal time, and we’re not really waiting for much else currently. Aside from that it’s just a weird feeling it’s going to come out of nowhere very shortly.

I guess another thing is, Are we getting any new equipment? Or is it just everything announced with no surprises?

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well the safe option would be when bp end otherwise maybe 1 month imo

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September or October as usual

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Possibly I guess I should have clarified a little bit better I’m meaning when the information for it is going to drop instead of the actual update itself. :sweat_smile: My bad lol

2 days


impossible to determine… it could be next week or it could be in 6 months…

If it’s DF then expect it to always take longer than a date inside your head.

Dev usually release new equipment on major update.
Dev usually release a big qol/bug fix update between major updates.
I think the stuff you are talking about will be release in the big qol/bug fix update.

Dude I doubt the devs even know when they’re gonna drop this stuff. We’ll see when it happens when it happens. Lol

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SOON™ (2025)


Naturally we can’t provide exact dates for updates, but bare in mind we’ll be doing everything on the roadmap in steps. Some things will be much sooner than others (you can make guesses based on what place each proposed change is on the roadmap graphic), and some will have dev blogs before they are added to the live servers to allow players to give feedback and suggestions.

New equipment will tend to be saved for major updates, battlepass (literally soon™), or for events (like the Stinger recently), and some of these are also announced before they are available to obtain. :slight_smile: