How can I set up 2 zones for the defenders to also be able to recapture them?

I have a bit complicated problem with objectives. I want to make a parallel battle, where you have to capture and hold 2 different zones at the same time to move to the next stage. Afaik there is a similar mode in the base game as well, or at least was in the moscow campaign.
So I want an A point at the start of the battle, the attackers have to capture it. Then they move to the next stage, where they have to capture and hold B and C points at the same time. Logically I want that B and C points to be in the defenders hand at the start of the stage already, because they have to defend them. Then the attackers can capture for example B, but while they move to C, defenders can recapture B.
Now the problem is, that I can’t make objectives which belongs to the defenders AND they can recapture them too. If I set the onlyteamcancapture to 1, defenders start with points belong to them, but if they loose B, they can’t recapture it, because they are team 2. If I set it to 0 or -1, they can recapture it, but they have to capture it at the start of every stage as well.
So I want to mix these 2 things, defenders should already control these points at the start of the stage, however they should be able to recapture them as well, if they loose them. Is there a way to solve this somehow? I tried several things already, but none of them worked…
I mainly tried to play with the capzone_owningTeam as it says “team_id of the team that holding point when this point become active for the first time”. I think, if I set it to 2, then team 2 should have the points when tha stage moves to them, but it does not do anything. I can make it 1 or 2, or even leave it empty, those capture points will always be neutral. But as I already said, they should be captured by the defending team, so the attacker side has to neutralise and capture them, while the defenders can recapture them as well.

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Here is an example of what I want to make, if it helps to solve the problem:

Edit: I found the mission in the game, it is called assault, where you have to capture and hold 2 points at the same time. So the question is, how can I set up the zones like that?

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What you’re describing is assualt, just use that.

just like Jaredup said above,

start with a defend_zone_chained_respawn+capzone

and then for all for points of assault, use the " defend_zone_team_chained ".

remember to label them with the correct group name and after the first cap, regarding all the defend zone team chained remember to assign the same group name per sector, and the activate after cap match the second objective.

( basically the first two for the defen zone team chained )

if you still don’t know how assault work, open enlisted, make a custom match, and download this one:

open your folder, go in the usergamemodes, rename the blk file to " scene ", create a folder & name it, and chuck the blk inside. after that, launch the editor, and open the folder ( the one that you previously made ).

from there you will boot up the F12 mode, and see for your self values and stuff.

( but keep in mind that you will not start from sector 1 as that one will be used for the invasion point that you want to create )


Thanks, I will try that :slight_smile:

OK, I did everything right, used the right zones, groups etc. except a few “capzone” settings… That link helped a lot, I searched it too, but couldn’t find it. So it works perfectly now, thanks again!