How can I make extra destructible rendinst?

I’m making a map of the squid game, after suffering searching and testing EVERY WINDOW ONE BY ONE…
Captura de pantalla 2025-01-07 174812

I found this one, which can be stopped and sometimes (if the game feels like it) if it’s a normal render and not a _decor it breaks (When running or jumping back the soldier passes through it)

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-07 232158

I’m trying to recreate the glass bridge BUT…

no other rendinst has what i need :

1-that has glass
2-that can be stood on
3-that if it does not have the _decor it is destructible, has sound and debris

There are many… MANY … , many windows that have one of these, the rest do not have it.

and I’ve been working on this for days, many hours testing windows…

When I found these I thought I was saved! And I started decorating and building based on that design…


apart from having problems when running and jumping backwards… now they don’t break immediately, but when jumping 3 times

I’m going crazy…

Does anyone know how I can make them break just by looking at them the bad ?


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Give -1 health point so it indestructable

With that array

No, I want the opposite, for it to be destroyed.

Ok so you have to give it a really small hp like 0.0000000000000000000001 maybe that would work


1 hitpoint is good.