How can I delete all posts associated with my forum account?

I am looking for the option to delete posts, it is not enabled, I am looking in the account options, there is no option to delete account and associated data, posts and messages.

What is the procedure to delete all or specific posts in the forum?

I also withdraw consent to the use of any information posted by me on the forum.

I am making a habeas data request. That is, I am requesting to delete all information associated with my forum account, including text, multimedia, images and any content uploaded by me directly to the forum platform.

Wondered if you where deleting yourself :sob:

Could say something controversial, and then they go through and delete everything. :rofl:

I was wanting to bring up a few old posts, till i seen all old posts being closed.
So thinking, if i want to bring up the past, i will take a Screen shot, of old topic, and then make a new topic, and just paste, all that you said before with SS?

I am making a habeas data request. That is, I am requesting to delete all information associated with my forum account, including text, multimedia, images and any content uploaded by me directly to the forum platform.

Well not much to say then. :sob:
Take care Bro