How can I delay the appearance of new spawn points?

A tried to find something in the invasion sample mod, but couldn’t find anything useful. The spawn points just don’t have settings for that, or I’m just blind :smiley:
So you know, where the group, and with that the new objective activates, the spawn points have a delay, just like the battle area has. So you can’t instantly spawn forward to the next objective. But if I put them down and start a new battle, as soon as we capture the zones, the spawns appear immediately. The tutorial doesn’t mention anything about it either, so I have no idea what to look for

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But it did. Look better Description of the Main Objects, the Editor and the Game Modes

A read it trough again several times, but it says nothing about it… I don’t know where you see it, I just see the active “Availability of the spawn point.” toggle, groupName “Name of the group this spawn point belongs to.” and respawnBaseGroup “Group of the spawn point.” settings under the " Infantry spawn point" section. There is nothing about delay the new spawns. Then there are spawn points on strategic points, tank, aircraft, motorcycle spawn points and spawn modes, nothing else.
There is nothing about it under the strategic points section either. It describes the cubic and spheric strategic points and their main parameters, name of the zone, group name, cap time, decap time, respawn base group, icon, capturing teams, etc, but nothing about this topic. But if you know where it is, or how can I set it up, please share it with me :slight_smile:

I misunderstood initially - it is hardly possible to delay, since the game mechanism provides that the defenders should instantly appear on the point and there is no point in delaying their spawn.