Hot take: rally points are OP

Just put back the old, bigger, rally point exclusion zone
They decreased it in a stupid way, to the point where on some maps you can basically build RPs inside cap zones (RPs inside buildings holding the capzone or RPs in buildings touching the damn cap zone)
And make RPs only buildable close to the ground level (at most a cellar or a first floor, no more rooftop BS)
As for more nerfs - there are about a zyllion running simulators out there. I don’t want to have 1000+1 running sims.

It’s called old Tunisia and it sucked ass. Nothing more fun than having to run through open ground as grayzone tanks and MGs just hammer away at you

RP’s used to be buildable 60m or more, now on most maps you can hear the fucking thing while capping. Just fix the actual problem instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater

No one has ever said this before, but I think you have a point.

If we weaken the rally, people will be pissed off, but at least it may provide an opportunity to utilize the sniper squads that are like industrial waste with the exception of the German high tier sniper squads.

Vehicles wouldn’t have to spawn closer though.
Just the infantry.

Yeah i don’t mean running across the desert, but exactly probably making rallies not so intrusive and able to keep spawning meat right onto the objective when placed cheesily.

personally, i 100% agree with the take.

Rally points makes the game really fast.
which it can be both a good, and a bad thing.

personally, it’s sort of the reason why i don’t have engineers for my PVEs. ( because otherwise you’d finish them in less than 15 mins. however, with the lack of rallies, it can last even up to 1 hour )

my battle of foy is sort of an example ( of how devs screwed my map ) where, the map is really not that big.

it’s even smaller than the moon event. however it can last up to hours because of the objective and the enemy having 12 men squads.

which in my opinion, it can be fun and makes people rush a little less due to otherwise having to redo the whole road ( usually 200 meters )

but again, those are based on my preferences.
mostly because i’m an hardcore player that sort of felt in love with red orchestra 2.

where you had no engineers, no rallies, but more or less balanced through objectives and distances.
even then though, could be somewhat of a far stretch because red orchestra 2 and enlisted are very much different games.

when it comes to changes, i believe this wouldn’t be too bad:

or, perhaps, increase the distance at which those can be placed.

because in too many matches i find my self having defenders or attackers re spawning so close to the capture point, that it just becomes a war of attrition to who gets the enemy rallies first.

not necessarely a bad thing.
but i don’t like it either.

but maybe it could just be the issue of capture points being small for majority of the missions ending up fighting for a single house.

Personally I wouldn’t mind if they did this again. But this would require changes to maps (grayzones) and maybe objecrives.

I liked that it made the game slightly slower. Current gameplay of throwing bodies at the objective to be mowed down with grenades and auto weapons gets boring after a while imo.

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I mean, I’ve been RALLYING :sunglasses: against stupidly close RPs for a long ass while
Just disable RP building at roughly twice the distance they get disabled now. Or at least 30-50 meters from the EDGE of the cap zone
You really don’t need much more IMO

A lot of the maps simply have insane gray zones. Attackers cannot really cut off defenders from the point, because the defenders simply can sit inside magical forcefield and have their flank fully covered
Attackers also can’t really get drawn into prolonged attrition war, simply because defenders have infinite tickets and they will win that type of fight most of the time
The fact you can build a rally right next to the cap zone makes those problems worse, but doesn’t cause them

Yeah if it would be a big ass overhaul of maps and whole ass game this could work. But lazily slapping +20m to rally radius would be stupid. Let’s hope after next update they got some free time to really try shake up the meta.

Open up maps more with less restricting greyzone like in new maps, add some mobile units like para/apc, have some meaningfull flanking opportunities.

It could work, but it will require some effort on devs part. But looking on what maps they added recently i’m not optimistic. It’s an easy bet the next update will include mostly some lazy reworks of old maps- like east-west-north-south versions of old maps (that barely make sense) and add some new manchuria soviets vs japs front (maybe).

But the trend in new maps seems to be more distance between points so maybe they got some plans. Let’s wait and see


Rhzev has quite wide playable area but it’s mostly unused as everybody b-lines to the objective. So devs clearly try to do something but I have doubts if it will result in something positive. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go back to smaller maps as ppl don’t use bigger ones anyway.

That’s because current objective system is imperfect and quite limiting. Combined with the fact that dying very often doesn’t mean much in this game.
All this leads to the conclusion that a completely careless overwhelming of objectives is the way to win in most cases. (The only exception is confrontation under specific circumstances. That’s why it is my favorite game mode currently… But it stil5 has many flaws.)

I’d like the game to have something like a special team death match game mode. Of course, it would still need some points of interest that players from both teams would tend to gravitate towards.
But I’d want them to be far less artificial and way less impactful to overall outcome of match.

Maybe if controlling some points would provide the ability to spawn some squad class types that would have been inaccessible until then.
Or holding some points could unlock more slots for vehicles.
Or holding points could reduce the cooldown of artillery strikes.
There could be a lot of ideas.

And maybe even limit number of spawns per player.

It would be be interesting to have game mode in which death truly matters. And players would behave accordingly to it.

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I remember when devs implemented side objectives in form of (awful) baloons on the airfield map, many ppl (me included) suggested to make side objectives as additional capture points / bomb plants that give bonuses. As we can see, devs simply ditched the idea instead of improving it.

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In conquest it would be very impactful if we could spawn on captured objectives like in BF.

Then it would actually make sense to control the battlefield by capturing points, not just rely on rallies again.


THERE IS ABSOLUTLY no PROBLEM with rallies, the problem is with the SKILL of the TEAM!, is not the rallies problem for pub stomping NOW IS IT??, by that IDIOTIC logic, all battles would be pub pushes, 7 min or lower battles. clearly, rallies are not the problem THE TEAMS SKILL IS THE PROBLEM!.

also, comparing 2 DIFFERENT games, does not prove shit!. if anything, it just shows how different they are, first of all, engineers were made CENTRAL to enlisted, how?, why is there an ENTIRE tutorial for them?, thats because the devs know how important engineers are!, comparing 2 DIFFERENT games is dumb and doesnt prove shit