Make the Horn stg able to be bough after you have unlocked the squad like any other weapon. I mean why keep the weapon locked to on the specific squad why not it being able to be bough in logistics after the squad is unlocked?
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DF: cuz people need to pay real money for it or grind
Well, that thing is even MORE fantasy than as44…
Having it widespread, I doubt we’d read the end of those historical accuracy guys…
also FOMO
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I resemble that remark !
the gun is OP and being abused by people who have it, literally, it’s a one-hit kill, total BS. the gun needs to be nerfed
it’s Slighty better than a mkhb 42 with different animations.
it’s good. but not op in any way shape or form.
Just buy mkb or stgs, you get the same result except better and not in the form of a stupidly rare weapon
Fascinating that guy doesn’t say that about the at44…
Horn is clearly more “op” to a main I suppose…