Why does he have a machine gun if he can’t even shoot one?
To top it off, the commander can’t even get his head out.
Why does he have a machine gun if he can’t even shoot one?
To top it off, the commander can’t even get his head out.
The Production variant isn’t supposed to have a machine gun.
This young machine gunner says otherwise.
It’s funny that he is designated as a machine gunner, while there isn’t a machine gun, but it has a reason.
Radios in WW2 were usually big and required specialised personal so they would not fit in the turret of most tanks so the task was performed by dedicated personal in the hull of the tank.
Some tanks even had range finder and other equipment as well operated by the machine gunner, you could call him radio operator but that would create confusion since there is a dedicated class in the game for that.
Spare crew is not a negative for gameplay.
I guess it’s a good excuse if DF gives it, but since there are no radio operators in that game lore xD
No machine gun means no machine gun, which means no machine gun to use.
Its like with Radioman in tanks and the distinct lack of (usable) radios in tanks.
in russian version of WT/Enlisted this seat is called “стрелок-радист” (machinegunner-radio operator)
What really strikes me is that there are other tanks that do not have a machine gun and do not carry a machine gunner.
I thought it was a bug or bad translation.
Could be temporal stuff for soonTM feature.
Like the old locked veteran upgrade for soldiers that got eventually removed.
Ho-ri’s top doesent have a hatch that allows the commander to peak there was a model with a navy capula slapped on top but we dont have that in game
this is one of the variants of Ho-ri 2
yea add this one as an upgrade to the current Ho-Ri so i can start jap again since this one is more interesting than the one we have
Though this would have worse armor since it uses Chi-ri’s chassis but I guess you would have a secondary cannon and AA
this is the real production version
Might be I know that Ho-ri II was the one that went to production but I’m not sure this very variant was it since putting an AA and copula would be more costly thus most likely this was not the Ho-ri II variant that production was intended to make rather I think it was the model below
It’s this version you just posted