Because the previous post was closed for necromancy (sorry) I’m back to terrorize the Americans with a crazy prototype for Japan: the INFAMOUS Ho-Ri II, if you thought we had enough with the normal Ho-Ri and the Ho-Ri prototype, today I come to bring this thing out of hell:
As a concept for a possible event I suggest putting its prototype version

Premium or Tech Tree version:
After all this time I’m surprised they never made the second Ho-Ri model.
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Enlisted has nothing to do with the vehicle models, almost all are ported from War thunder.
Get this model in to war thunder propper and you have a chance of seeing it in enlisted.
who Japan? Well Ho-ri II was the model as far as we know that was chosen to be produced and 4 of them was planned for initial production though how much were they able to construct is debatable
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super pershing coughs it was modeled by the own company
HA no im sure its in warthunder
reminder they didn’t allow and they did make the own models
They didnt allow what Im certain everything (Tanks and planes) in game except flame tanks are from WT and if you hope for devs to model this well you have to wait a long time
I hope also they put japan flamethrower tank, ha-go have option for flamethrower one and is already modeled in game, so I agree with you
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No I’m talking about WT
. They’ve done 2 of the same model and yet they’ve never did this one
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prototype means a physical semi working model, mockup just a life sized model, blueprint a paper drawing of how it could be made ho-ri 1 and 2 were blue prints not prototypes
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they just implemented Ho-Ri from a wood model man
my point is not that it wont be added is that 1 it should not be added and 2 the hori 1 was a mock up not a prototype and the 2 was a blueprint
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Somehow it looks more WW2-ish than the Ho-Ri we have in game. It wouldn’t look out of place in game at all, specially with that painted camo on the scale model. On the other hand, I don’t know why they gave us the current Ho-Ri with that default blue color, as it makes it stand out so much in the battlefield. First thing I did after unlocking it was putting some camo on it.
The machinegun in the back is a nice touch.
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Paper to go with your wood? Nah I’m good
Would definitely like to see this one day as an event item for Japan. It might displease some that Japan gets more paper projects but really what other choice is there for high br stuff.
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that’s if Gaijin would listen to people, lots of lower stuff could be added to War Thunder but Gaijin won’t do it. stuff that should’ve been in War Thunder, to begin with, such as Stuff that is on WoT AND WoWp Wiki.
Gaijin for the love of GOD, listen to what players want! it doesn’t matter if it was built, Blu Prints technically count too.