Hive Mind Time

Hi all,

I have just finished researching Tier 3 of USSR, and Tier 4 of Allies.

I’ve yet to unlock either with silver though. I have 240k of silver stashed.

Which one should I go for first?

I like the Allies, but we get kerb-stomped almost every game. Added to the fact that a BR3 Allied squad will still draw BR5 matches, would BR4 be any use at this moment?

I’m also having a blast with USSR atm, so would it be better to unlock BR3 for that faction instead?

I doubt I have enough silver to fully equip both tiers.

for vehicles ( tank & plans ), yes.
76s are great at dealing with most japanese and german tanks or any of the big bombs/rockets.

well, soviets are among one of the strongest faction.
however, it gets only better from br3 onward and but you are capable of fighting br v germans with too.

the choice is yours.

considering the 240k, perhaps continue with the allies and then switch to soviets.

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personally i would go with allies. soviets in high BR get berlin which personally i dont like much.

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I feel like my matches are always harder when i play as BR3-5 Soviets but it’s mostly because of a braindead teammates not the gear (their unlocks are overpowered). I almost always need to carry and tryhard to win.
