Hitboxes fix

Hello, I would love for Darkflow to look into fixing the hitboxes on terrain and other things. It is very annoying to try and shoot soldiers, or even worse when you are using a launcher and have to take a 10 foot gap from anything near you. I will list things I notice that have egregiously bad hitboxes, and would like them fixed to more accurately represent the visual. I am mostly talking about things in the map from the beginning, or player used apc/tanks etc. I am not talking about when people dig a trench with a shovel or something similar. That I can completely understand. But things that are a part of the map should have more accurate hitboxes to the visuals.

  1. Dead vehicles. Anti tank guns built. Destroyed tanks / trucks as props on maps
  2. Windows, this is a huge deal when using a launcher which has a bigger projectile
  3. Craters that are naturally a part of the map. Play the map Hermann Goring Strasse, and go to the Tiergarten objective (Zone B on Conquest). You have to stand up a lot higher than you want to shoot over the rubble and dirt craters.
  4. Trees sometimes have horrible hitboxes
  5. Fences interrupt tank shells way too much

If you know of any other examples, please comment them below! Nothing is more frustrating that seeing half of a soldiers body, but being unable to damage it because of the invisible part of a truck they are stood half behind.


They’re too lazy for that

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sad thing is that you probably need to report every hitbox that needs to be fixed individually. i remember reporting AT gun hitbox on bug forum and they fixed it for AT guns then, but iirc they are still broken on destroyed AT guns.

Your rocket is launching at right from you(like 10-20sm). There is no problem in hitboxes. There is problem in just launcher’s projectiles.

It’s unclear to me how they were able to break their respawn.

I want to add that trees BLOCK TANK SHOTS… which is silly. No way a tree should keep standing after a 122mm shot hit it…

It’s become better, but still broken. Even if AT isn’t destroyed.

Almost every wooden thing also for some reason made your HE disappear.

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That too. It’s strange…

But I’d really like for trees to fall when firing at them. They should fall with HMG fire as well, not just tank shells…

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Yeah, even after ten magazines of, for example, PPSh they should also be down.
Tree isn’t a damn rock.

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The big DSK HMG should mow trees like a lawnmower with grass.

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