I want to be able to recreate the horrors and fear soldiers face when they are in war. The problem with that is, that players just run onto the battlefield without any actual consequences, because they can just respawn! That takes away a big chunk of war since there are huge consequences in real war. If there were a mode to play in that pairs only realism seeking gamers, it would include bots that behave like actual humans with fear of death, no unrealistic HUD, maybe even screaming of dying soldiers if you really like the idea. This would definitely bring a lot of realism and an actual experience of war that would teach everyone a lesson of how different war actually is from how many people imagine it.
I think lone soldiers is better for this being able to switch soldiers with no consequence makes this an even more arcadie shooter, but the speed of the game alone makes this game an arcade game running jumping around zig zagging.
lone fighters is a way to go for you, so far it offers the closest experience you’re referring to.
though I agree, enlisted is great game and it’s perfect base for every type of game, few tweaks here and there and you’ve got pretty realistic game that could work and the only problem is too few people, the AI and the overall monetization that kinda makes all this pointless.
As suggested have a look at lone soldier (especially hardcore mode) in custom games.
Furthermore there are some options to customize or minimize your hud in the game options, which are quite potent and nice.