Higher BR, Higher income

Fighting against newbies and beginners in low BR often brings higher profits than bloodily fighting in BR5 battles.
It’s time to increase the income of high BR.


That’s a no brainer and I’m pretty sure this was suggested in the past but if that were to happen people would not buy any silver


Undoubtedly, DF is too short-sighted, they will see the consequences of slaughtering new players.

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All they ever care about is the short term gain instead of actually thinking about the future of this game or making sure the new bloods are not being destroyed by people who are cheating in some particular way.

Cough cough Soviet and allied paratroopers

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So many old players stayed at BR3 and reaped BR1/2 newbies :thinking:


I see our future fly out the window and it’s unfortunately the Germans or Japanese who are supposed to keep this game alive otherwise the allies and Soviets will be fighting bots in the future.

I’m not against the idea.

The only thing I’m afraid of, is that in typical Snail fashion what they would do is not boost high br income…

But reduce low br income :confounded:


No need ppl in this game most of em just having fun and doing random

I see it as the opposite. Lower BR matches usually have worse income, at least for me.
That’s because it is harder to earn decent xps and orders. After all, there are no real killer machines, aka the P-47, Tiger I and II, or the IS-2 in BR 1-3, but at best, a couple of short barrels, the P-38 and the Hurricane. BR3 might be decent because of long-barrel 75mm for the Germans and the Sherman but you might also face BRV which makes it less fun, at least for the Americans and Soviets.

Isn’t it exactly opposite in WT? Very poor income on high BRs (because repair, ammo refill etc etc) unless you are playing premium lineup.


Ahah, true!

Let us hope they never get back on their word of NEVER implementing predatory repair costs…


The amount of SL and RP per action increases significantly, but yes the repair costs and ammo costs will steal a LOT of that income. Especially if you’re garbage like me and struggle to get 1-3 kills a match with 2-3 deaths

Skill issue possibly.

I’ve not tracked it, but I feel I typically earn much more at high BR. I will try to remember to track it in the coming weeks (or weekends given my availability). Easy grind at high BR if you aren’t in a stacked faction like Japan is today. The effect of BR may or may not exist but my gut tells me I earn more at higher BR. Could just be based on pure carnage.

Sure, mate.
And it still doesnt change the fact that High BR has better toys to earn xps.

Your opponents don’t have? :thinking:

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Is there a American Tiger II? Is there are German P-47?
Low BR matches only work in terms of xp if you have no good enemy player on the other side. You can lose in high BR matches but with a P-47 you still can get like 600-1.2k xp in a run, not to mention the ribbons which increase your income. OR camp with the Tiger II and know that the enemy needs to bomb you or pen your mantlet.
This is not really possible in low br as some classes do not even exist such as flamer unless you count the 50/50 gambling with BR III and most of the planes and tanks are all glass cannons, which may be working if you hunt them.

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Opponents can use bombers to eliminate KT (H), and AA and fighter jets to eliminate P47.
If your opponent cannot do it, I think it can only indicate that the match is a one-sided crushing.

You should know that this is not a “classic model of probability”, This is not a coin toss or something like that
At present, there is a high possibility that the BR3 camps in Germany and Japan will be matched with low BR.
Moreover, some players only exit the BR5 game.
Of course, I still try my best to fight against BR5 players with BR3 weapons and still get the first place.

This still makes the Tiger superior since the IS2 and the Pershing have worse armor and can sometimes even be penned by a Panzer IV with some aiming. And AA and fighter planes dont stop you from wiping out half the German defenders in the first run. Usually, you build AA after the first encounter since it is a waste of time to build it and wait in the background. Also, most people are F2P players and don’t have a second vehicle slot (because giving them more slots is unbalanced for reasons) and don’t want to waste it with a fighter, especially since most fighters have poor or none anti-ground capabilities.

Yeah, It depends on faction popularity imbalance and such, but most people get the logic behind 50/50 and was used to joke at the concept of BR3 since the gecko.

Yeah, That is also possible, to be fair.