Hey, how about we fix APC damage model?

An IS-2 can be deleted by a SINGLE 30mm hit, yet a GAZ AAA will happily shrug off 5 panzershrecks, Pz III N shots, 4x50 kg bombs, 1x 250 kg bomb and several strafe passes from a D-12.
It’s obnoxious. Makes fighting premium stacks basically impossible, because they can just drive those things down mid and swarm your cap zones and unless you drop a detpack right onto the damn APC half the time it just won’t die


Soviet engineers put a 5mm thick metal sheet between the engine and oversized bomb bomb sticks. The engine itself is also protected by a 5mm thick air vent…


Yeah, but the APC is made of 0mm thick metal yet it will happily just tank everything but a direct HE splash, which drives me up a fucking wall

War Thunder has the same problem with small lightly armoured vehicles, it’s probably the engine or game physics.
It’s already a WT meme: the best armour is no armour.


I just set the fuel tank on fire when you dont have the right explosives, weapon.

Personally i like the no armor best armor. Gives them a chance and makes ammo selection important in their removal.

But thats just me

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APCs, AA vehicles and some light tanks can be OHKed by any 75mm+ HEs shell.
I think that even 50mm HE of Panzer III is enough.

Any anti-tank mine can destroy these vehicles, explosive packs do a good job too, but sometimes even a molotov is enough to get the engine on fire which will eventually cause the APC to blow up.

I have never had problems with them. I usually shoot into the engine to oneshot the truck.

Explosion pack is still the most reliable tool

It has nothing to do with broken physics in the engine but with a neat little feature called minimum activation fuze on APHE (the most common) projectiles. This feature allowes your APHE to bypass small fances as they are to thin to trigger the fuze but also means your 2 mm truck wont set it off eighter. In WT this actually is a visible stat on every tank shell.

I wouldn’t mind as much if mobility kills on APCs disabled spawning until fixed. A truck with no engine or transmission wouldn’t bring anyone anywhere…

My problem with them is that they basically ignore handheld AT.
Internet says Panzerschreck warhead is still 700g of explosives…if it fuses, it should mangle any unarmored trucks. Most of the time it literally does nothing (or turns one meaningless random thing piss yellow). All of the tires would probably be shredded from the overpressure.
The way they respond to plane strafing is also frustrating. Half the time I have less trouble strafing heavy tanks than silly APCs.
I just find it extremely grating