Hey! Everyone! I have something to announce

I have logged into this game continuously for 2 years


Congrats! :slight_smile:

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Top man :+1:

That’s some dedication, right there.

I almost got 1 year but then i went to vacation and lost it.

Congrats for you

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Yeah this really sucks when you try to commit to the daily logins but then life gets in the way. Makes it easier to keep logging in with steam now available but dang man don’t let me miss my daily rewards!

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Congrats!! You did it, actually i’m stuck trying to get the 100 days one :face_holding_back_tears: i actually have 75 days (and i failed 3 times) i hope get it in the beggining of September i have almost 2 years playing but i didint Even have this one…

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