Hetalia Axis Powers Crossover

I think enlisted needs a hetalia crossover with tank decals and ingame profile pictures it would be pretty epic and enlisted is already hetaliacore :smiley:

Hi, welcome to the community!

And, hell no. If you want all that weird stuff, World of Warships has plenty of it. :slight_smile:

It just wouldnā€™t work well in the battlefield.

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hetalia is the last one to think for a crossover, is totally another planet, girls frontline would be a better suggestion

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What is a Hetalia?

Sounds like Italia but I have a hunch itā€™s not it at allā€¦


both of them sound bad to me tbh beside enlisted havent gone fully ā€œwarthunderizedā€ yet

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We definitely need more female representation, considering they were prominent in some battlefields, especially with the Soviets.

Your hunch is on point!

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Existed, yes. But they werenā€™t many contrary to popular belief (most were back lines or support roles)

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Italia is the protagonist alongside Germany and in a slice of life comedy they parodies country, ww2 and European history in general

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Uh. I googled it and IT DOES parody Italiaā€¦ I was close :thinking:

Nah they werenā€™t much prominent except the night witch bombers regiment, few rear front people, or some medics in a hospital tent. I barely expect them to do front line jobs


If this is the anime Iā€™m thinking of, nah Iā€™m good. Prefer scantily clad women on the sides of my vehicles, thanks. Lol

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so you prefer hentai? :rofl:

I prefer women. I like women

2d or 3d? Thatā€™s is important

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Iā€™ve been alone my entire life. The only woman Iā€™ve had access to is 2D. Right now Iā€™m seeing how this ā€œlife adventureā€ as I like to call it with one chick an ocean away turns out. If it goes poorly, back to 2D. If it goes well, then I got me a 3D woman to enjoy for hopefully the rest of my life

Just depends on how this turns out. Lol

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They do AI women these days, if you get desperate. :smiley:

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N O donā€™t hurt the esscense of this Game

Absolutely not. Iā€™m desperate, but I ainā€™t THAT desperate

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The AI usually broke after 50 message and you need reset it, for example if you are using it for play D&D you need start to remember thing to the AI because start forgot thing

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