I am almost finished with another hangar mod, but i have a problem.
I got the dof_scenic_camera on the right spot, changed the settings but it always is at the same spot when i load in. I want the cam to be closer to the face of the soldier, i put it towards him in the editor but when i load in it goes back to the original distance, even though in the editor it is closer to him…
Sound like that you edit menu_cam__offset property. Try to remove it in scene.blk file. Or just edit it. menu_cam__offset -0.5, 1.07, -3.5 will move camera a bit right, higher and further from soldier.
If it didn’t help with it… Then you maybe…
Forgot to update hangar.blk file?
Forgot to remove static_cam or add menu_camera?
Editing wrong camera? Soldiers have 3 different camera and menu.
It’s weird that it don’t play sounds. For me both camera_rain_light_template and camera_rain_heavy_template play sounds. Maybe you edit some properties? Try to increase far_rain__speed? And/Or far_rain__density and far_rain__maxDensity for return back or increase rain sound?
There also another one way, but I didn’t test it… I think you can put any sound object (for example game_rendinst_decor+sound_effect_is_clock_a) nearbly with camera and write path to sound in property sound_effect__path.
rain_global_sound_var didn’t help? It’s weird.
Is your hangar in normandy maps? Do it contains shore_sound entity?
Seems it cause some problems with some sounds.
If your hangar in normandy maps then try to remove this code in scene.blk:
I really do not know what to do, it would be a shame if i had to remove the weather because it was a unique setting… but when there is no way i would do it…
I was using the menu background ambience, which caused it not to be played. I changed it to city ambience, now it works again I am sorry for bothering you with that many questions…
If you are already here, may i ask a little thing, is there a way to make the main menu launcher music from the hangar louder? increase the volume in the editor? i know it works in the settings, but i mean, is it possible to increase the default volume of the music for all players who are using the hangar?
Seems occuleded_sound__volume and occuleded_sound__volumeMinMax works fine. And you can use ambient music. Just create ambient music entity and copy ambient_sound__path and paste it to sound_effect__path. After that remove ambient music entity.
Since the Hangar is basically local, is there also a way to create a hangar with custom music? If i do it the same way as you do, and just add a different soundpath… Would that work?
damn… but that is not that important anyways for the hangar. I really hope we can get sound modification on the sandbox too, i would really love to create many many voice and music mods…
But as long as my newest hangar will be finished, i am happy enough for the next times Thanks for the help my friend !