If you ask me, the squad and equipment organisation is a mess. It wasn’t ideal before, but now that it’s all been thrown together, it’s an absolute horror.
The whole system needs to be completely overhauled.
Specific to the nation, it’s a really nice feature since instead of having wasted XP like in the campaign system you can just use it instantly on new content when it arrives
Also thanks but can I just unlock e.g. Panther A without unlocking every tank before that?
I was close in my Normandy progression, but now the grind has become so much longer and I need to unlock stuff I don’t need again.
Didn’t the devs/CMs say that it would be better with the Tree since I wouldn’t have to unlock things I don’t need?
Yet now I need much more time to get Panther A than before the merge (I was close in Normandy).
And wasn’t it mentioned that we would only require a couple of unlocks to be able to start researching the next Tier?
Does this also mean I can’t have the Motorcycle before I unlock the Bazooka?
I know where my Normandy Puma is, that was just a rhethorical question, but e.g. I struggle to find my Pz III N exactly with sideskirts without checking 5-7 tank squads one by one, also because I have several Pz III Ns without the skirts.
Or like Pz IV G?
I don’t even see it in the research tree at all.
Also why is Pz IV F1 hidden as sub-folder to Pz III N?
Wouldn’t it make more sense for essentially identical tanks like Pz III N skirts and skirless, or Pz IV F2 and G? I believe that’s the logic in WT? @Euthymia07
panzer IVs have only 4 squads which are often together with stugs, panzer IVs f1 up until the Panzer G.
or their own ( ex, panzer IV H )
but yeah, it depends where you last left them.
( i’m not against a simplifcation of this mess. but at the same time, i don’t want them to take away my double combo puma, or the ability to use 3 panzer F2s for all biomes.
I mean I don’t see any problem right now with unlocking every vehicle for every squad?
Unless the devs desperately want to hard lock just 1 top BR tank squad for new players with e.g. only choosing Panther A/G, Tiger 1/2 for the only existing tanker 3 squad.
i believe it was made more for newer players rather than legacy players.
as, they will have to unlock procedurally within each squad what they need in order to progress.
legacy players somewhat defines those rules because they had multiple vehicles in different campaigns under the same / similar squad types. and in other instances, a type III tank of moscow wasn’t really the same under a type III of berlin.
so i gues they tried to collapse in some and create new others.
( i noticed that they based most of the stuff underneath moscow squads lol ( the least played campaign… )
Yeah I mean seriously @Euthymia07 why would I want/need to research M3 Stuart (I have M5A1), M3 Stuart Flamethrower, Sherman II and M10 if I already have 2 Jumbos and I simply want the M4A1 76?
I strongly believe having the previous unlock should be enough to research the next thing.
Also, now that I know I won’t be able to buy Panther A when I research it, can I unselect it and just collect my XP in “stock”?
I don’t want anything else for Germany right now, just the Panther A
And so far, from what I understand, the only things worth researching are the ones that have full lineup before them researched…
If I had known this before that would have saved me a lot of uselessly spent XP.
Also, while we’re at it, why don’t tanks qutomatically change default camo based on the map still?
Is Pz IV ever going to be white in Stalingrad and not dark yellow?