Help with settings (Player mover without me moving joystick)

Hey guys so here’s the issue, (I’m on PS4 btw)

I changed some settings a while back and now my player moves even if I’m not moving the joystick.

I’ve tried reverting to default settings, still nothing.

I’ve just sucked it up for a while but its such a pain having to fire while slightly moving (reducing accuracy) and just making it harder to shoo. Plus it makes it so I can use med-kits, and flying a plane is damn near impossible

Any ideas of settings that would cause this? ( I know restoring to defualt shouldve solved but it didnt)

Also I’ve tried a different game, War Thunder, with the same controller, same console, and didn’t have this issue so I’m thinking it must be a Setting/Control?

Plz help, I really want to get into flying but cant with it like this, also I’m trying to get more competitive and need ever edge I can get, thanks!

In such cases, the first try is usually to increase the dead zone settings.

Go to the controls settings, and try progressively increasing the “dead zone” value for the movement axis that’s giving you troubles, until the auto movement disappears.

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