hello, how is it done to increase the number of spawn points of the attacking team when it captures a point?
I put a value of 500 in the capture point parameter (capzone_capreward), but when I capture the points with the attacking team, the number of respawn points don´t increase. I have tried changing the value to 250, 1000, 10000 but it doesn’t work.
I have also tried putting 250 in ( capzone_caprewardTeam2 ) but it doesn’t work.
Any solution?
I also put the capture of the control panel of the German army

Is your capture point from Invasion or Assault gamemode?
Looking to chained
in entity name… You probably trying make assault?
If you really doing assault then reward will be only when team capture sector.
Or it’s invasion and there only one capture point in group?
Anyways I think you need try to turn on capzone__checkAllZonesInGroup
. Maybe it will fix your problem.
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The game mode is Invasion.
There are a total of 5 capture points, but I’m testing and when I capture a point they don’t give me the points.
I tried (capzone_checkAllZonesInGroup) but it doesn’t work
What is your capzone__onlyTeamCanCapture
Or capzone__mustBeCapturedByTeam
Also try set capzone__capTeam
(and …owningTeam
) to 1 team.
I’ll later check this problem.
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Try increasing your team__minScoreCap:r
It affects the calculation of your maximum score, I noticed that your score is 1000, which is the default calculation result.
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problem solved. thank to both