try out to switch in the other settings (use or below buttons perhaps which has the same keybind as the original)

Show me the evidence of where this keybinding option is, or honestly, you’re wasting my goddamn time at this point. You can spend all the time replying to me on here. You can certainly do that instead if you’re serious. :-1:

Evidence ? What are you on about. Im trying to find you an solution since youre to stubborn and lazy not to default setting it then rebind it again perhaps finding the real solution. But if you insist with your little crusade…

But since you said youre using F as activation and that you can move in to tanks with it and it works thats prob not it. Which makes me wonder if youre being authentic or not rly. Or i could be wrong and something got broken in your file and you have to reset your data…but then at least try to reset the key binds first to see if that was really it :wink:

Ok, thank you. Here’s mine:

I will try changing that one, but like you I very much doubt that the “enter/exit vehicle” prime keybinding location would be under the “other” and then “use” command. Crazy if true.

(I don’t even know how to “reset my data.”)

What I like about this is that it’s a tacit admission that there’s no dedicated keybinding for vehicle entry/egress, which I was trying to establish earlier, so think you. Either way, that is an oversight on the part of the menu developers, which in itself justifies a suggestion.

Would be a lot easier if they provided an “export” option for backup purposes, in case it doesn’t work - but since the devs are gonna be “lazy” on this point, I will too. :blush:

Fair enough ^^ But make an thread suggesting an option for this instead which will help out better in many ways and who knows, someone might know ^^

I might just do that.

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There you go.

Thought you where going to ask for enter/leave keybind section specifically but that will do asw ^^

I kinda did this on my very first forum topic post, so I wasn’t gonna belabor it again.

(So sad, no one even responded or voted…)

You dont if you play for the Germans 1945 or in the coming Asian Pacific Campaing Japanese side.

  • There is no bailing out, everything for the Fatherland (Alles Fur Vaterland!)

Here is some historical context if anyone is curious:

Hitler’s Kamikazes: Nazi Germany’s Suicide Aircraft | The National Interest

Have a nice day.

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Interesting! Thank you. :ok_hand:

Here is the answer:

  • Put your exit vehicle key in the “USe” inside the “Other” Tab. → Like I did with the “P” key;

  • And bind your favorite open parachute key in the second slot of “Jump” in the “Movement” tab like above.

  • And to reset the configuration, just click in “Reset to defaults” in the bottom of your screen.

I figured it out.

Enlisted has “F” bound as the default “leave vehicle” key. Apparently that applies for every single type of vehicle, including aircraft. There is no way to change this. If someone can show me a control setting for “leave vehicle” that you can change, I would love to see it.

However, like any normal person, I had “F” as the key bound to lowering or raising the flaps on the aircraft (“F” to lower, “Shift+F” to raise). For some reason, this key had stopped working after several updates ago for adjusting flaps - which led to many airtime losses for me, and I was still unable to leave my plane. Then it occurred to me - perhaps there was a conflict. The reason I couldn’t use flaps was because they were bound to key “F,” and the reason I couldn’t leave the vehicle was because it was also bound to key “F.”

So I realize this older post is being revived right now, and its new revision theme will be SUGGESTION:


Does it have to be F? Half the time now I’m accidentally jumping out of my plane because I hit the F key unintentionally, and my pilot has that bonus that makes him enter and leave vehicles faster. I’m in the middle of maneuvering against a Bf-109, and then I just accidentally jump out and he gets the kill for the plane. Plus, my flaps are now set to “v” and “z” respectively, which makes no sense.

Let me set my flaps to “F.” There is no reason this needs to be hard-coded as the default enter/leave vehicle key.


First of all, nice necro,

and if you want this suggestion to be seen, you better make a separate “suggestion” post on the forum.

About the issue, I also use flaps with F key (rise flaps) and V key (lower flaps) for more than a 1,5 year now with no problems.

My “F” key normally works as enter/exit vehicles, but since I have also flaps bound to the “F” I no longer jump out of the aircraft using “F”, instead I’ve just set 2nd key not used by anything as a workaround for the issue (in my case " \ " under the “Backspace”), not really an issue because I don’t want to jump out whenever I use flaps :wink:.

While playing infantry and tanks I use “V” key to mark, but again since it’s also used as flaps it doesn’t mark anymore while flying. A workaround was to add 2nd key again for something that won’t interfere with the other options, so I used “F5”, not the best but it works for me.

if you want this suggestion to be seen, you better make a separate “suggestion” post on the forum

I plan to make another one specifically for this yes, but it was kind of “bound-up” in my act of revelatory necromancy anyway, so I decided to include it.

but since I have also flaps bound to the “F”

^ Thank you for confirming that I’m not the only normal, sane person who does this very intuitive thing.

Side-note: I’m imagining the “Ф” character (which is “F” in Cyrillic) must be in a different place on their keyboards, or they would have noticed this problem too, lol…
(Or maybe their word for “flaps” doesn’t start with the same analogous letter. Maybe it’s the first letter of “Leave”)

A workaround was to add 2nd key again for something that won’t interfere with the other options

Too bad there’s no second key we can add for the “leave vehicle” command in the first place… it’s simply not listed anywhere in the controls! I’ve never seen something like this before. And you shouldn’t have to go out of your way to use a key like “F5” for any type of workaround regarding basic controls anyway. It’s rather silly.

Thanks for your reply.

This is my controls for jumping out of the airplanes when “F” is used as flaps

and this is 2nd key for marking when “V” is also used as flaps

So does changing the “use” button also affect whether you get in and out of vehicles with that same button?

So im new at the game ant i cant get out of my aircrawt either did you find a solucion