Help For High Tier Plane

Hello dear forum users. I have come to ask your advices. I bought Fw190-d12 Gold order, for my high tier plane need But it didnt work well for me then I switch to A-8 but again, it didn’t work, I was killed by biplanes and browning machine gunes less than 5 seconds with both fw’s, so Im Close to get bf109-K4 But it has 0 bomb loads and I need something with capable of damage, whats your suggest? Should I continue to get k4 or is there any better alternative?

your fw is the best german plane overall. its very hard to fly tho, so taking 30 min time to try to keep balance and learn how to be stable and move around with it in practice mode will solve your problem.
→ once the soviets bring their IL-10s, youll need it!


Thanks for the answer, its damage outpout is good, if I can manage to get behind they always end up death but thing is if I saw my enemy too late they survive with dogfight-agility, and destroys me quickly, if I try to fly high they somehow catches me(I heard fw has few equal to its high fly ability) and I die quickly again

All FW-190 are broken and are basically drifting in the air, DF is yet fix the issue. Once they do the F-190 will be the most versatile aircraft in game, but until that its pick your poison for Germany.
Me-109 K is an excellent fighter but not very good at ground support, same for all other 109s and the rest are too slow for BR5, though Ju-188 can carpet bomb half of the map so that is worth learning too but don’t expect to hold in any dogfight.

I would recommend you to use 110G2
His rockets and high-explosive machine guns can be used in most environments
Or choose G6 as the main force
Anyway, nothing can resist a 50kg aerial bomb.

Its a BR3 aircraft, sure it can be devastating in ground support but can’t hold up in a dogfight.

regardless of the 190s flight model Issues atm, you wont be dogfighting many planes in this.

you either get the jump, or you get the head on.

If you want more maneuverability, you have to use the Fiat G 55 or the 109s

Fiat G.55 is your best shot all round. It has 2x100Kg bombs and is one of the finest fighters.

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I think the core function of an aircraft is ground suppression
Aviation combat is only secondary
After all, it’s not always possible to defeat the enemy without taking any damage.

In a head-on confrontation, the G2’s firepower is enough to severely damage enemy aircraft.
When fighting, use the rear machine gun to reduce the enemy’s performance and then commit suicide (to avoid being scored by the enemy for downing)
It is more beneficial to the war situation than wasting time by shooting down the damaged aircraft and letting the enemy fly it.

Considering that the German army in the later stage is almost all bricks with poor control ability.
I think this approach is most beneficial for bombers

I have unlocked Ju-188 few months ago and Ive been using it and its good if Ai crew decides to shoot enemies. but thing is few days ago I got free vehicle slot, and now I have 2 slot 1 for Tank, 1 For air and I wanted to have something similar to IAR for high BR, But it seems I have to stick with g6 or ju188

I only have C7 in the line, so even if I want to use g2 I need to grind 250k And its hard to get as f2p, it seems my only choice is g6 or completely stuck with ju 188

Personally speaking, 188 is not a good choice.
Flying slowly and without a forward manual machine gun
Inadequate frontal confrontation ability and easy to be intercepted

G2 has advantages in speed and firepower
If conditions permit, it is still recommended to develop it.

Boy I love when planes behaving properly cause players demand “fixing” because they don’t act like UFOs. 190s were pretty notorious for tendency to sideslip, like the P-51.
Make sure to roll the plane and use your wings to stop sliding and suddenly it flies just fine