Heavy Machine Gun Squad

Currently in game the machinegun squad can only use light machine gun. Engineers can build machine gun nests and high caliber machine gun but they are subject to many constraints , they are not always available and there are only few types of machine guns.

I suggest adding a heavy machine gun squad that can quickly deploy and dismount heavy machine guns and relocate. The squad is consist of one person carrying the machine gun and 2 - 4 riflemen or assulters, similiar to a mortar squad. If they are too OP, just limit them like limiting tanks.


  • MG08
  • MG34
  • MG42

Soviet Union:

  • Maxim
  • DS-39
  • SG-43
  • DShk


  • M1917
  • M1919
  • M2HB


The gameply would be kinda like the old Tachanka in Rainbow Six: Siege.

[video]R6 TACHANKA機槍6殺 - YouTube


Um no. I think it is fine as it currently is.


Do you know how much an M2 Browning weighs without ammo and tripod?
84 Lbs.
Imagine packing that around through combat. Its fine as an engineer buildable.


I’d say it’s good as it is right now. A good option to add to current MG squad would be an option to build a low profile heavy MG, like that M2HB tripod on the last picture, but I don’t think that implementing squad-carried weapons (because that’s where I see the biggest issue with this) is a good idea.


I want a chad Soviet Rambo able to use a Maxim medium mg while standing. Even if impossible.


It would be most likely Russian guy, so there’s literally nothing impossible.

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this just feels unnecessary and s niche squad type, they dont really serve any purpose other that a new mg squad with a twist, wouldnt it better if we try to improve the already ingame squads instead of just adding more?


In the will of accuracy. These two designs are not heavy machine guns.
They’re not even lightweight.
These are universal machine guns.
The concept of creating a machine gun combining the features of heavy machine guns and light machine guns arose in the Third Reich.

I like this general idea but instead it think could better work for Engineers instead as new constructs. We could have three tiers of Machine Guns. Machine Gun Nest 1, like the M1917 Browning, has a lower resource cost and you could build 3 but it’s very weak and vulnerable to attack. Machine Gun Nest 2, or pretty much the nests we have now, have a higher resource cost and you can build 2 and they are slightly better defended. The Machine Gun 3 or Heavy Machine Guns, that we have in game, have the highest cost and you can only build 1

Also I just wanted to say I don’t view it as say “Engineer I gets MG 1, Engineer II gets MG 2, etc” because I’m not really in favor of that sort of gameplay. I prefer it as the Engineers should have all available constructs and they have to think how they want to spend their limited resources


I would be lying if I told you that I would not want to see a heavy machine gun disassembled and the soldiers in the squad sharing and carrying the gun parts, in the game.
Why not allow buildable HMGs to be disassembled and carried?
Let the AI members have legs, bullets, etc. If they die, you can have another member carry them or carry them yourself.
Of course, while carrying them, you can’t shoot them and they are defenseless.

Yes, it would probably be much more convenient to destroy the HMG once and rebuild it at the next location where you want to use it. But even ATguns can be pushed around after construction. Not very practical but it is fun.
HMGs should also be able to be disassembled and transported.


That would actually be pretty interesting, or something like it

However if the devs aren’t going to mess with the Engineer construct system or create something clunky, theoretically they could just let us “pick up” the MGs lol

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I’d rather be able to research new machine guns that engineers could build. Each player would thus be able to choose whether their engineer will have the initial Maxim or the later DShK at their disposal. Same with the Germans who would have had an initial MG 08 machine gun and ended up with the current MG-131. Well, this could also be done in the same way with anti-tank guns, infantry howitzers/heavy mortars, anti-aircraft guns, etc… It would add content to the game where players would have more objectives to achieve within the Tech Tree and overall it would add to variety and variability of the game. Of course, all of the above would change the BR of a specific squad.

Tiers of Engineer constructs would create the opportunity to have a lot of more content in game and increase variety. It’s like all the factions used so many different AT, AA, etc and we’d finally be able to have whatever in game

However I wouldn’t want it to be you have MG Nest 1, then when you reach Level whatever it upgrades to MG Nest 2, etc and you basically “lose” the previous tier.

I think it’s great to have a wide variety of constructs because they have their own strategies. In this example, MG 1 has a very low cost so you can build more of them and use you resources for other things while an MG 2 is stronger and better for direct infantry support but uses a good chunk of your resources. Sometimes you feel like MG 42 and sometimes you feel like MG 34

They could make it so Engineers can “pick up” their MGs but it makes you extremely slow and you can’t use your weapons unless you place it down

The problem with engineer is that what engineers build are machine gun nests , not machine gun it self. It is possible to move a machine gun around but not the whole machine gun nest with sand bags.

They are for different purposes.

That’s why I’d rather have them separate from the engineers’ machine gun nests.
Maybe make engineers’ machine gun nests more like a defensive fortification.



Meanwhile Japanese AT squad can shoulder fire 115 lbs Type 97 automatic cannon.

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IDK where the game draws the line at realistic or not.

Please do not change anything with machine guns.

I honestly think the overall better solution is to change the current MG squad’s HMG a little bit.

Rather than placing it on a pile of sanbags/crates, it places as JUST the HMG. (still takes time to build with engineer like it currently does).
Doing it this way would allow for it to be used from a prone position, mounted to window sills, or placed on other fortifications.
The tripod stand that it is on would remain when it is destroyed so that it can be repaired there too.