First time playing around with the mod editor and I’m having trouble with the Battle Area Polygon feature. In the picture below I have highlighted the fourth in a sequence of chained battle areas, and I don’t know why either team 1 or team 2’s battle areas won’t connect. All of the previous battle areas don’t give me any trouble.
I had to play two games to make this post. Help!!
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hard to tell on the right.
but seems the order is anti clock wise, which it’s correct.
the only thing we need to see as well, are the poly_battle_area
( essentially, it’s core part )
which it’s where you assign the groupname and the battle area id.
and since we are at it, the group_activator as well as the name of your capzones.
reasons being;
- you may have not setted up the poly_battle_area
but if you did,
- poly_battle_area may contain names different from the sector. different from the group_activator and capzones.
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The group activator actives my “phase_00,” then after a team takes the point, it chains to either phase_a1 (when allies win) or phase_x1 (when axis win).
Then phase_a1’s objective goes to phase_a2’s objective when allies win. Then phase_a2’s objective goes to phase_a3 when allies win. This has all been tested and works. phase_a3 is the one in the picture, and is the problem child.
Not a problem, here are the two poly_battle_areas:
so, to my understanding,
you do see the various lines connecting with other sectors ( both sector1 & 2 )
yet not sector 3?
EVEN if you force them through group sector in the tool box, correct?
That’s right. Here’s phase_00
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do you mind sending the second sector too?
or, how did you called them. ( the battle area id. )
unfortunately, i’m not 100%
either there’s a random space, in one of the area_id names, or points_X " ← ( between the number and the " if you check through a notepad )
or the different names are interfering with each other.
also, i’m not at home 
so, i’ll call the chivalry.
there’s no one who knows this editor or his way around better than @Devenddar
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I’ll go through it with a fine toothed comb and see if there’s any issues with formatting
best of luck 
in the editor it takes very little to make certain things not to function…
trust me, we have all been there.
so in the meanwhile, check if there are some random spaces, or, wait for the helper.
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I found the issue and I’ve fixed it!
It turns out I accidentally deleted a point on a DIFFERENT battle zone, which meant all the battle zones I worked on after that battle zone became corrupt for some reason. What a finnicky little editor! 
Thank you so much for your help Erika, i never would’ve thought to do that.
eh, you did all the work.
but glad to be of assistance from time to time 
@Scrotum_Totem if you have any problems in the future, please don’t hesitate to ask here in the mods section of the forum. We are all happy to answer them.
And also, welcome to our world, our little corner in the enlisted community that is unbothered by the pay-to-win snail (for now). Here you can enjoy (and let those playing your mod enjoy) the entire content enlisted offers without paying any money by the mod editor.
funny you should mention it. I’ve noticed a bunch of my battle area polygons look weird ingame. They’re fully functional but have odd shading like in the picture below:

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I’m still struggling with this issue across a number of battle zones. Does anyone know how to remedy this?
usually, the black areas are for two reasons:
Here, I have got your back. Use the “PolyBattleAreas” function inside the Toolbox to help yourself out
As you can see, it shows all the battle_area_polygon_point on your screen
The button next to it is the Refresh button, and you can use it to refresh the debug box after you moved or editted the battle_area_polygon_point
Thanks, later tomorrow when I have some time I’ll have a tinker and report back
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I’m still having the black box issue. The polygon is functional, and displays correctly in the editor, but is still all messed up on the map.
No nodes are missing and the poly area is anti-clockwise.
So… When you click on refresh it doesn’t print anything in console?
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This was the answer, i was ignoring the console.
It was screwed up because I had an extra empty poly_battle_area I must’ve accidentally created somewhere else at some point.
Thank you everyone, sorry for being such a noob. 
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