Have the Devs reversed the MM fix?

I play BR I Soviets and keep running into BR III guns like MG-34.

Shouldnt the MM be +1/-1 for BR I and II ?

As far as I know, nothing has been reverted.

It should still be locked as below:

You should see the BR as I-II in the Squads screen if you’re rocking a BRI platoon:

Screenshot 2024-11-29 203854

Yeah this is what it says, yet i was still gunned down by an MG-34. Or is there an event version of the MG-34 like the BSA Thompson which is BR II.

German Panzers have MG 34s in them.
Premium BR1 german paras have MG 34s available for reasons
Bots ‘players’ still use BR 3 gear in low BR games.


It was infantry for sure not a tank or engineer gun nest. So it is not MM failing and putting my BR I team into BR III, but someone using an “absolutely not pay 2 win” squad.

think that @Euthymia07 said that those are bots.

Indeed bots on BR1 have access to BR3 weapons.

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New premium BR I German Para doesn’t have BR II MG from supply crate from what I see, even though you’re in BR I match you’ll geared up with BR III MG34. Kinda pfadvantage?

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Bot weapons follow BR when. Seeing them using bolts in late BR match is kinda meh, if they’re using full auto it’d be more useful.

This is real. The new-ish Beretta paratrooper squad (BR1) gets MG34 out of the crate at low tier.


If they go by BR III MG as standard than what the hell are they doing in BR I ? If i slap a MG-34 on my Assault squad it will be BR III.

That is disgusting level of P2W then.

Bot players and the new German paratrooper squad and tank still use MG34, also bot squad should can use some old premium squad as once Euthy said, who now are BR3, so if you keep seen BR3 weapon in BR1-2 match are probably bot players, tank and german paratrooper squad

I saw a lot of bots running with the Lewis/MG13 drum while playing at BR 1 recently. It’s very convenient to steal their weapons.

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There are some rare issues with the MM, I have seen IS2 and Tiger II in Moscow before, but yeah, thats rather rare to happen

Soviet paras used to have BR 5 weapons even in BR 1 for months after their release. Having BR acceptable items in the box just isnt a priority for DF.

Should be an easy fix to BR lock them according to their boxes.

If they start balancing according to boxes soviet mains would cry, unless they add 5 diffrent templates but that would be too much work for DF.

i dont play low br so i cant tell you anything lmao :parrot:

The new german paratroopers at BR I equip the MG-34 as their low BR pick up