Hate XP boosters

LOL, even Tunis Allies.
As long as you are using XP boosters.

Then the game will automatically match you:
Your team is pure TRASH, and quit midmatch.
And you enemies is god-tier.

you know what?
Even if I QUIT this match and join ANY OTHER MATCHES, the winning multiplier can provide SAME QUANTITY of your XP Boosters. And I can get other multiplier even greater than this.

Next time. No need to waste time on a such losing match.
Quit and rejoin another match.
My time and effort is much worthy than this trash.

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Next round, a easy win.
Even the same multiplier without XP boosters

Odd I had the opposite experience, I had better match when I have XP booster.
Except today and that one time when I disconnected during one good game.

Just try to win game solo XD