Has the super Pershing just been outright canceled?

The super Pershing was teased nearly 5 months ago now but we’ve gotten no word other than that, has it just been completely canceled?


It will be released along side premium squad slot and economy fix :stuck_out_tongue:


confirmed or just speculation?

Yes, it has been cancelled. I didn’t like it. And thus I asked for its cancelation. I was successful.

German domination shall prevail.


Obviously it hasn’t been scrapped. Just like with many things it’s a matter of eventually……

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I don’t know why you want it. You are going to see it a mile away with that long a$$ barrell

Just wish they would be honest instead of “it’s coming soon guys! Don’t worry!” Just say it’s been scrapped until a major update later in the year, not that hard imo

Saying something is scrapped until a major update later this year means it’s coming soon…

They said they modeling it but they didn’t say when

well, if we pinned a bunch of helpers here, Im sure at least one would answer but honestly we should just take their word that it is indeed coming, DF is just a snail at delivering content since Merge. Probably because they are working at way too many things at same time.

because longer barrel=higher velocity, and it has better armor

The long barrel is great melee weapon

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I know you joking.

I do not.