Has the map of Tunisia been deleted?

I played as an Italian and played nearly 30 games with br1. Almost all the games were Moscow and Stalingrad, and occasionally Normandy, but Tunisia seemed to have disappeared, and I never encountered it once.

Has the Tunisia map been removed from the game?


I had a couple of BR2 games in Tunisia last night

yeah likewise with Axis

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it is there…just the map pool is now over crowded at low BR :frowning:

I think a lot of us are missing it :woozy_face:


jeah i remember that desert one… long ago…
as USA i get Pacifik 7x then 2x Normandy after that maybe some desert map with holes.
as Germany puuuh cant remember when i hit the last time tunisia…

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Yes, I removed Tunisia maps from the game.


Please bring them back! (But not kahif)


no, they’re just rarer since the map rotation has a ~ 100+ maps

Is the map rotation bugged? I always keep getting stalingrad and moscow but almost never tunisia

Probably because Soviets “have to fight Germany” and Japan "have to fight USA.

USA which is apparantly less popular atm gets sent to satisfy the more Popular Japan (although I dont know if thats still the case. I have been winning a fair amount as Allies)

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Yep, atm the game is pretty well balanced in the matter of playerbase. At least from my experience.

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They should just make august storm maps so soviets could also queue with japan. That way germans and allies have chance to see eachother


It sounds a lot like some kind of Gacha game.

Axis BR1 banners:

N Moscow
R Stalingrad
SR Normandy
SSR Tunisia

I only play Allied BR2 and the only maps I tend to get are Japan BR 3 or Normandy BR3. Although I did get Tunisia yesterday but again BR3 judging by the flame throwers and nade spam from every squad having throwers.