Hard limit on player number and br

As topic. Why can’t we have hard limit on player’s number and br? Like for each player on one side match him for another real player with the same br on the other side.


queue times

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Much better then fight against squads of br5jap squad with br3 American


okay? I’d rather spend 5 minutes in a queue than going from awful game to awful game


Because soft rules are so much more fun.

Just lock the BR’s already.

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then you should suggest a ± 1 MM for BR 3 as “hard rule”

and when you are in a BR V match with BR III there are also real players on your side with BR V stuff- :wink:

Opponent teams BR V player fully equipped bought all slots.
My BR V player, some douche that accidentally brought BR V broom and haircut.

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Cannot agree more. My average wait time at the moment is 1 minute or more. Thats for BR III UK-Commonwealth, also Japan and ‘any team’ (where I was queued as Germans).

Considering Ive already got to wait 1 minute or even a minute and a half, (War Thunder usually joins much quicker than that), Id rather have hard BRs.

For example rank I Japan in the Pacific was so much more enjoyable now that its limited to rank I. I remember when I played rank I Japan one day and was facing rank III Yanks with their BARs, it was a disgrace.

Likewise BR III Australians VS BR V Japanese spamming SMGs, LMGs including I believe its called the Type Hei? Its the rank V Japanese automatic rifle, the equivalent of the American T20 rifle. (Im stuck with .303 rifles, Owen gun and so forth).

So, basically more to farm from for you :wink:

can’t really play when enemy team has 2 King tigers melting everyone and my team has A13 and a Stuart, someone keeps spawning a Dauntless and getting shredded before they even drop the bombs

I’d rather wait 5 minutes to get into a game with my level 3 allies vs level 3-4 enemies then wait 30 seconds to get them dropped in a level 5 Japanese match. I don’t play them much anymore because of this, but normally if I get Germans it is not level 5, but Japs I get level 5 a lot, so, I just play level 5 Allies. IMOP DF hurts their player numbers in level 3 Allies and Japanese with their soft rule as I can’t be the only person who skips level 3 because of this. Level 3 Germans or Russians, no problem since there is NO CHANCE of being dropped into a level 5.

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Agree here.
Even a somekind of elo / skill / equipment based matchmake would be preferable.
As some “even” br3 vs br3 games can be quite un-even due to stacks and people having just 1 br3 equipment and so on.

But for starters, bit longer que times and hard lock on certain BR’s would do just fine.
Recently upgraded my inf 3 in BR2 with bolties, got the BR3 sovjet stack against me and it was literally just waste of fking time.


you don’t need a bomber for that. attacker plane is also enough :slight_smile:

Good for you cupcake, so this conversation about balance apparently doesnt concern you so move on.

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Calm down and keep civilized

My mistake - apologies. I had a bad, stressful day. It won’t happen again.

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