GWO Suggestion - PPSh45

yes, it does exist for some reason…

it’s supposed to be used by tank crews as a sort of improvised cheap PDW



^taken via google from FirearmCentral


Looks like a fun thing, thanks for sharing it с:

P.S Friendly reminder if you posting some cool guns on any game forum, usually any designer or 3d modeller comrades needs 2 side of gun (PS (playside, usually it’s left side) and BS (backside, right one that you presented here), never know what could be changed in the gun.


Im gonna stealing the topic, is possibile promote this gun?


Thanks for mentioning this! I went and updated my older weapon suggestion post to show all sides of every suggested weapon. Here it is if you are interested.

An interesting modification of the ppsh platform! However I don’t know if it is quite unique enough make it a gold order, definitely event worthy though. Maybe the devs could combine it with the weird ppsh I found and make a fun event to celebrate the creation of the ppsh or something.
This is the ppsh I found