Gunner Improvement for APCs and Tank Commander MGs

I had already posted this in the “Better postures for tank commanders” news, but I think it could use its own section as a suggestion.

In the future, could we have the ability to aim down the sights of the commander MG/APC MG’s by zooming in (sort of like what you can see if you go on a vehicle in Battlefield V if anyone has experience)? It would add more depth to the way we can play the vehicles and make some of the weapons feel more usable instead of being so offset to where your head is.

(Also, could we fix the APC gunner positions, the soviet M3 halftrack is stupidly exposed with terrible aiming ability due to being too far from the gun, the German one is way too far down and hinders visibility while being too hard to hit, and the event British troop carrier has a broken aim system for the Bren gun on top.

For the German and soviet I would recommend you make them stand at a height in the middle of both their current stances while the British APC can have the gunner work the same way a stationary MG works out.)


I already corrected this false information in reply to your original post.

here are some screenshots for comparison:

Anyway, I agree with the rest.


Thanks! It always felt weird for me so now i get it.