Gun texture bug?

Can’t find anything else that describes the issue I have. In my game, guns are almost always incredibly low res. These two images, which I somehow got out of sheer luck, are what I have going on. It seems the game just seems to decide by itself whether or not I get terrible textures and I was wondering if there was a way to simply keep the good textures on weapons permanently. It’s especially bad on guns such as the MG-34, FG-42, DP-27, Lebel 1886 where any digits or lettering is a garbled, unintelligible mess.

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Hi, your game is installed on SSD or HDD?

Not to sound a little harsh, but if this is going towards “Just get an SSD”, I’m not interested in that, sorry.

It’s one of the options ofc.
Most of the games in nowadays optimized mostly for SSD imho.
If you have a spare HDD and it’s a lot newer then you are using rn. You can try game on it, check if everything is same.
Make a “swap file” bigger, helped me in some other games with almost similar problem.
P.S You can as always check cache/reinstall game fully and just in case, check “full client” slider in launcher. Just trying to be helpful as i can с: