Guide to understanding the BR system for newbies

Greetings gaming comrades.

New player on Enlisted?
Tired of an unfair balance?

Are you being outmatched and torn apart in seconds?

You don’t know what to do and you die faster than you play?

Do you abandon games out of frustration against more experienced players?

Next I will try to explain Enlisted’s BR system, because I think the game needs a better tutorial to better understand its battle system.

Note: This “guide” is not intended to be an absolute truth, I am only trying to explain to new and veterans how with a single weapon or vehicle your entire Battle Rating can change.

If you already have experience in the game, I would appreciate your opinion to continue helping Enlisted a better place.

I apologize for the images in Spanish, but I think we will all have the same menu or something similar.

We all know that a few months ago the team matching or balance system was already tried to be balanced, but I think it still needs to be polished; Below I will try to explain the BR of the game.

Until a few months ago there were 6 campaigns Moscow, Tunisia, Normandy, Berlin, Stalingrad and Pacific, the majority of people played only Normandy and found very unbalanced games, the other campaigns there were no players or they were 7 vs 3 there was also a lot of inequality, now that They put all the armies together and made a single battle system. The BR tries to place experienced players away from new players, for a better experience, but the game has an error that I will try to explain later.

Let us begin.

I will use my German army as an example, as you can see currently my squads are classified as BR 2, look at the red “Start” button and a legend appears which says BT of the battle I - III, this means that I will be playing against those BR or players new, the weapons that I currently have in the squads are: MP40 for the Assault class, MAS-36 rifles and Kar98K or Kar98K for the other soldiers, engineer, radio operators, etc.; In my vehicles, soldiers are also equipped with the MP40, I will explain this later.


Also at the top you have the 4 armies from left to right USSR, USA, Germany and Japan, also there it tells you what type of BR the army currently has.


Take for example this Assault soldier equipped with the MP40.

We see how in the red button the BR is from I - III, next to it another legend appears: Possible maps? If you put the pointer it will give you the maps to play here, Moscow and Tunisia appear to me (I’m also playing Normandy).

Now I will change the MP40 BR 2 for a STG44 BR 5.

The entire squadron has changed from BR 2 (photo A) to BR 5 (photo B).

Foto B

When we make the previous change, the battle index has changed on the red button from being I - III to III - V. The maps have also changed from being Moscow and Tunisia, to playing Berlin, Stalingrad and Normandy.

This is where in my opinion there is an error in the game and that is why many are being confused in battles, perhaps it is necessary for the game/Enlisted to ask you for 2 or more squads with the same number of BR equipment to avoid sending you to play against high BR players and not because of a single weapon the game completely changes the battles.

Let’s see another example of soldier squads, this time with the USSR army, which carried weapons, the PPS-42, PPD-34, Mosin and Winchester rifles, BT-7A vehicles as well as the IL-2. In the following image, all my BR is classified by 2, let’s take as an example a paratrooper equipped with the PPS-42 BR 2, and we will put the Fedorov Avtomat on him.

I change the PPS-42 for the Fedorov Avtomat and for a single weapon I change the entire BR.

Once again we see how a single BR 5 weapon can make a difference, and I repeat this is the current problem of the game, it should not give me the option to play since for a single weapon I would be playing against higher level BRs, with me having mostly squads from BR 2. Let’s return to the German army, here is the second problem, if you place a BR 3 weapon you will have the opportunity to play with BR ranks 1 to 5, this can be considered a watershed or double-edged sword, since if you reached this BR You will have enough experience to play against players of higher rank and experience. Again we take as an example a German assault soldier equipped with the MP40 BR 2 and change it for the MP 35/I BR 3.

Now I will place the MP 35/I.


How can you see again for a weapon BR 3 has changed the entire BR of the game, resulting in the possibility of playing in 5 possible scenarios, even so it is more likely that it will send you against BR 5 players, since what Enlisted wants is to do that separation of experienced players against new players.

Classification of vehicles and personnel. Here it is similar to the squads, the only difference is that the vehicles also have BR and their crews can also be affected by the weapons they carry. Take for example the Pz.IV F1 BR 2, the crew is equipped with MP 28 BR 1.

Now I changed the commander’s Beretta M38 BR 1 for a Beretta M38 (40 rounds) BR 4, the whole game changes again in battle range.

Although the tank is classified as BR 2, the simple fact that the commander carries a weapon above BR 3 will affect the entire game. Let’s return to the USSR army, here many of you are using the T-34-85 as it is unlocked by the old Berlin campaign, but you have to be careful because if only putting that vehicle in it would send you against higher-ranking BRs. Here I have the BT-7A and I change it for the T-34-85, I know that many use it and carry low BR squadrons, but they will never be able to use it against low level BRs, and if they have used it it would be very few times, I repeat, once you put a weapon higher than BR 3, the game will send you to tougher battles and with people with more experience.

Without further ado, for the moment I hope this “guide” will help the newer ones and those who have been playing for a while and still find themselves in trouble, personally I suggest sticking with BR 2 weapons that way they will play against players of the same range. battle, they can do this until they have unlocked several squads and weapons of rank BR 3 or higher, daring to mess with a single weapon, tank or squad and only depending on it they would still have problems playing. I hope someone from Enlisted sees the post and can improve the previous problems that I mentioned related to the game, since for a weapon or tank the BR changes quickly, I have had to be on teams where I have up to 4 or 5 players with the Kark98K rifle. sniper, for me the most useless class in a game, and also because it is BR 3 the game puts them in BR 5 battles, in the end they leave the games. I hope I was able to explain the BR system to the new players, since there are still a lot of complaints about the team balance, this is not an error as I have tried to explain here.

Greetings Herr Kommandant I hope to see you in the game and remember the most important soldier in the game is not the Assault, paratrooper, tanker or sniper, the most IMPORTANT is the Engineer WITHOUT him your team cannot advance.


I don’t know what to say other than the fact this was posted in the “Suggestions” part of the forum.

And that you can simplify this by saying there are only 2 matchmaking brackets. 1-3 and 3-5.


Been playing this game about 2 months just before the changes. Honestly the BR system is crazy, yes one weapon changed will most of the time put you against BR 5 teams when you don’t have BR5 gear on you for example flamethrower will do it. Yet i see so many flamethrowers on the other side and wonder how they always end up in the lower BR while i always get stuck in BR5. Also the maps at this point are getting old already had the same location 3 times in a row, at this point i really hate the damn train station. Some changes need to be done.

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Thanks for making this, good little guide.
ignore @Stein_Grenadier

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I understand what you mean, but the previous campaigns were also bad, the entire Normandy world played on the American side there was a lot of inequality between teams and there still is due to the issue of not knowing how to use the BR weapon classification system, that’s why I dared to To say that the BR classification system is correct but it is not being well implemented, it needs more polishing because here a weapon, as I tried to explain, makes a difference, as for the flamethrower it is BR 3 so it could be players who are around all levels game, before making this “guide” I changed my entire German army to BR 2 and I was a pure novice player, I dare say that with pure BR 1 and 2 weapons, the equipment balance was correct, there were no crazy things like in BR 5 battles, someone kept mentioning that certain weapons like sniper rifles should not be used by new people, these weapons mostly like the Kark98 with sniper scope is BR 3 means that the Enlisted programming will lean more towards that play against BRs of equal or higher rank, that is the problem of the game, there should be something about the games that if you have 4 squads, 1 of them is BR 4 cannot be used in battles against low BR players; For example, if I had three BR 2 squads and one BR 4 (sniper or tank) the player goes against BR I - III players but is not allowed to use the BR 4 squad, that would be my opinion.

Currently, there are also some others who have already tired me out, a few days ago I asked for information because I have been playing pure defense for 10 days and they answered me that they were indeed making some changes and that would be fixed soon, they are still working on the BR system, I hope some of them read this post and take it into account

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Thank you for reading it, I hope I have explained the system well so that it is easier for you to play, whether you are a new or veteran player I hope it serves you and helps you, I advise you if you are new try to stay in BR 2 of this you will play between BRs At low level I have already been doing it and if it works, this can even unlock all the higher BR weapons or squads.

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